EFryeinGA82 Member


  • I was a boredom snacker. I never did well with time and options, so I do this. Note: this is what works for me. lol I buy my groceries all at one time, every two weeks. I write down my inventory, and I make a menu, even down to my snacks. That way when I have time on my hands, and a cabinet full of my family's snacks, I…
  • Just remember that everything goes in cycles...even the seasons change. So don't stress about slumps or strides....the point is to keep going forward building strength and willpower through it all. ;) You got this! Congrats on the new baby as well!
  • Thanks for the encouragement. And yes Ronda is on fire with her goals because she makes them definite in her mind. Her eyes tell it all.
  • You can definitely do it!!! I was near 300, and I ate better, drank more water, walked, and did box cardio, and lost 89 pounds..no diets, gimmicks, etc. It felt great, and it gave me so much strength and love, for myself. However, over the past three years I've been horrible at being responsible for my health and I put 44…