BriKH23 Member


  • Count me in Sammy! I am in the UK too (but originally from America!).
  • Hi guys - thanks for the responses. Just to clarify, I do not mean to totally replace outdoor walking with indoor walking. Sometimes when the weather is horrid (like with this weekend's stormy conditions) I figure, for me, an indoor workout is better than none at all. I see what you are saying, but I am just asking about…
  • Hello! I'm 29...turn 30 in a few weeks and am at my heaviest of 210. I think I want to lose 60 lbs and just get healthier. I have high blood pressure too and think losing the weight will help stabilize that (well I am hoping it will anyways!). I am currently at about 1500 calorie a day goal. During the week, this is easy.…
  • So you had a mega cheat day - Stop beating yourself up over it! As PinkPixie said, we are humans and not a robot. Personally I see it as if you do not make a habit of this, it is absolutely nothing to beat yourself up over. I would just continue with your regular diet and exercise routine from today and go from there. If…
  • Hi Kate! I am in the UK too - Will add you as I think I need more friends on here and more friends would mean more motivation!
  • Hi Stella - you sound very similar to me! I'm 29 (hit the big 3-0 in three weeks. Ugh!) I started at 210 lbs about a month ago. I have been doing 1 to 4 mile walks at home thanks to Leslie Sansone videos on YouTube and logging my food on here. I have been doing ok but not without a few slip ups! Still, I think I may have…