
Steura Posts: 22 Member
edited November 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there my name is Stella and I am 29yrs of age. About 2 months ago I weighed in at 224lbs, since then I've lost 24lbs BUT last 3 weeks have been a challenge. I know now what to do to lose weight! I Quit drinking any sugary drinks. I only do water now and eat lots of greens. (I try my best to)! I also try to stay under 1200 cal a day plus do some moderate walking. I need motivation! I know in the end it all falls back to on me but a little push and great advice along the way would be greatly appreciated! I love to get and give great advice. Now let's do this!!! I know we can!! We are blessed to have such great support from this wonderful app and darn it.... Let's take advantage! Any tips and advice please share!


  • novopath77
    novopath77 Posts: 7 Member

    I weighed 270. I am down to 243. I haven't seen 200 in 5 years. End goal 145...its been a struggle and I have had my cheat days but since I started eating healthier and started being accountable for what I ate, I have been feeling so much better. My motivation is the fact that changing my food options has changed my life. Some days I need the motivation as well. 200 from 224 is great!!!
  • karlsantiago
    karlsantiago Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Stella,

    Before anything, AWESOME job on losing 24 lbs! You've already done the hardest part which is just to take the first step and start! My advice to you is, even though you have experienced that weight loss and it feels great, it is also very easy to get burned out in the process--especially if you have really big goals. My biggest advice I tell a lot of people is to remember we are all human and life gets in the way. That being said, do not ever be too hard/strict on yourself. When you have reached a benchmark number, celebrate and reward! This is very important when attempting to avoid burnout. But remember, moderation, moderation, MODERATION. And this mental toughness we all call "moderation" will grow stronger and develop after each benchmark you reach. SO, break down your LARGE goal into smaller steps that ultimately get you there. Trust me, when you look at it this way each step you reach will inspire you to keep pushing.

    This is coming from someone who has also struggled with weight and general health. At my heaviest, I was about 215lbs and have since lost 40lbs feeling the best shape of my life. I am now certified in personal training and love what I do! Enjoy your journey, I know it will be a great one :smiley:
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
  • nikhilgohil1988
    nikhilgohil1988 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, wow you have made some great strides. Keep it up! Your doing so well and it takes guts to notice ur weaknesses and adjust accordingly.
    You have beaten the hardest part, and now it is to continue reaching your set goals. Just to reiterate on karls point he made, is to break down ur large goals into little goals and steps, I think this is a great way to achieve your final goal in moderate pace, my advice to you is to use this technique, and also to never look back on anything. Life is a forward journey. Keep moving forward and always 'raising the bar' challenging your self.
    Keep up the great work And enjoy ur fitness journey
  • Steura
    Steura Posts: 22 Member
    @novapath77 congrats on your weightloss and you are totally right. I have to be accountable for the foods I'm putting in my body! I wish you great success and soon you will be under 200!! :)
  • Steura
    Steura Posts: 22 Member
    @karlsantiago thank you!! I totally agree with you. I AM feeling burnt out, which then lessens my motivation :/ I will be honest with you.... I am extremely hard on myself and I know I shouldn't. Thank you for all your great advice!! I keep telling myself over and over...MODERATION!! Thanks pal!! ;)

  • chato80
    chato80 Posts: 16 Member
    Try cleaning your system, antioxidant, or fat burner, thermo. L carnitine...
  • mingle287
    mingle287 Posts: 44 Member
    Just remember to ask yourself;

    "What are you hungry for more? Food or change?"

    It helps me from wanting to over eat.
  • Steura
    Steura Posts: 22 Member
    @mingle287 ooh I like that! I'll definitely do that!
  • Steura
    Steura Posts: 22 Member
    I'm so excited!!!! Just bought a treadmill!
  • Darklords
    Darklords Posts: 3,175 Member
    that's that is motivation
  • mingle287
    mingle287 Posts: 44 Member
    staura10 wrote: »
    I'm so excited!!!! Just bought a treadmill!
    Great job!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    staura10 wrote: »
    Hey there my name is Stella and I am 29yrs of age. About 2 months ago I weighed in at 224lbs, since then I've lost 24lbs BUT last 3 weeks have been a challenge. I know now what to do to lose weight! I Quit drinking any sugary drinks. I only do water now and eat lots of greens. (I try my best to)! I also try to stay under 1200 cal a day plus do some moderate walking. I need motivation! I know in the end it all falls back to on me but a little push and great advice along the way would be greatly appreciated! I love to get and give great advice. Now let's do this!!! I know we can!! We are blessed to have such great support from this wonderful app and darn it.... Let's take advantage! Any tips and advice please share!

    1200 calories seems low. The more difficult you make the journey, the more likely you will quit at some point. My advice would be to up your calories. As for tips, I do well when I get enough protein, watch that macro carefully.
  • Steura
    Steura Posts: 22 Member
    @goldthistime I do plan on adding more cal once I get down to my next short goal. Honestly I have tried eating a little more and I don't lose. Plus, I feel great at the end of the day. No starving here
  • BriKH23
    BriKH23 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Stella - you sound very similar to me! I'm 29 (hit the big 3-0 in three weeks. Ugh!) I started at 210 lbs about a month ago. I have been doing 1 to 4 mile walks at home thanks to Leslie Sansone videos on YouTube and logging my food on here. I have been doing ok but not without a few slip ups! Still, I think I may have lost some and will unwillingly buy a scale soon to see!

    I too love sugary drinks. In January I stopped drinking Coca Cola and only drank diet sodas but because I don't like them as much, I don't drink them NEARLY as much. One day I hope to wipe it out of my diet completely but I am always, always, always, still wanting a regular Coca Cola! I guess it's just my achilles heel :-/

    Best of luck though. You've done so well already and are obviously taking the right steps to becoming healthier!