moosemoose17 Member


  • Awesome guys thanks. I will never eat a salad though. I hate it. I put spinach on every sandwich at Subway though. I love spinach but I can't eat an actual salad. Tastes like dirt. If I douse it ranch its almost bearable, but then again I don't even really like ranch. I'm going to be doing smoothies for breakfast soon. 1/4…
  • Yes, thank you. I was thinking about using flaxseed. I'll definitely give it a go.
  • Thanks. I do steel cut oats with a spoon of peanut butter often, but I did that every day last week and now I don't even want to type the word oats. I never add salt or butter to anything. EVER. I just like all the salty foods I guess. :) I do like experimenting with ingredients, so I think chili could be fun. Good advice.
  • I drink about 8 cups of water at work everyday and a bottle or two a night. My biggest problem is that it's hard for me to eat a meal with just water. Thanks for the clarification on soda. I can beat that.
  • I could switch to diet easily. I used to do that. I thought the absence of sugar made you crave more though? Is that a myth?
  • Thank you. The calories I don't necessarily mind seeing red as long as it doesn't say 4000. My calories for maintaining is ~3900, so the 2000 is just to try to see if I can hit it, while not starving myself or anything. I think breakfast burritos would be a really good idea. I'm trying to cut out soda, but it has it's…
  • Sorry for not explaining. Lower sodium, higher protein foods that are easy to cook. Just looking for ideas.
  • The land of intolerance and bigotry, Oklahoma, USA!