Would love new friends😊
North Carolina
Add me😊
North Carolina😊
North Carolina😊
I always accept new friends😊
Mental health and substance abuse counselor
I'm always looking for supportive friends😊
Guys who act interested when they're really not. Mmm. Gets me every time.
Hi everyone! I'm always up for adding new friends who are mutually supportive. I'm pretty consistent and very supportive when life doesn't get in the way. Add me if you're interested☺
Elf, Disney's A Christmas Carol, and the Polar Express😁
North Carolina☺
I've been on here for a few years and I had 1000+ friends until I unfriended over 700 people. I'm really supportive when I have time, so I prefer friends who comment and actually interact with me instead of people who only hit the like button. Feel free to add me if interested☺
North Carolina☺
North Carolina☺
North Carolina☺
Apprentice in Death by J.D. Robb - great murder mystery series with futuristic technology
North Carolina☺
Good luck!
North Carolina
A Quiet Place
Black Panther and the Body Tree!
Every Monday morning at the same time
North Carolina☺
Brotherhood in Death by J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts). A really awesome murder series.
North Carolina☺
I saw a client on Friday for an assessment and he used the fidget spinner I keep in my office. It really helped him calm down during the appointment. Another one of my clients uses a fidget cube for his anxiety and says it helps him.
The trailer looked awesome!