Ryokara Member


  • @MondayJune22nd2015: To be honest, I don't think I have depressions. I thought I had some for a really long time of my life. But seems its just extremely low self-esteem, socially awkwardsness and whatsoever. Nothing toooo serious, according to the psychologists I spoke with. But I'm not really sure how "advanced"…
  • Thank you everyone for your advices! I'm going to visit another doctor next week, since I don't think my family doctor's answer will change too much. Hopefully they will transfer me to a sleep clinic if they don't find out what is the cause right away. @ragenhay1: I'm going to write sleep apnea down and ask my doctor about…
  • Hey Ray! That's really awesome, way to go! I wish you the best of luck! Also, thanks a bunch for inspiring me! I just joined MFP and this really gave me some confidence! Thank you!
  • Hey there! I'd love to add some new friends who keep me motivated - and vice versa! :) Any help is welcome, especially because I just joined yesterday! <3
  • Hey there! I'd love to join - pretty much the same problem here, unfortunately.
  • Hey there! Similar story here - I'm also more of a socially awkward fellow. I just registered here today, same goes for my solid decision to finally lose weight, but I hope (and am convinced!) that we both can feel good in and about our bodies (relatively spoken) soon! :) Let's be an inspiration for each other and those…