moodybear2003 Member


  • I love your little garden! Mine needs to be weeded, but it's been waaaay to hot. Today is perfect, so I will go out after work.
  • Super Summer Slimdown :sunglasses: Name: Heather Age: 31 Height: 5’5" Highest Weight: 308 Start Weight (June 1, 2018): 294.0 Goal Weight (August 31, 2018): 275 6/30- 7/6 challenge focus Increase plank time--how I did: 7/1-20 sec. 7/3 - 30 sec. 7/5 60 sec. I was surprised I went a whole minute yesterday. I don't really know…
  • Like she brings around the trays like a waitress, we grab one of each color of the rainbow. The party is huge, they spent hundreds, if not more... on fireworks. It's the only party they throw each year, so they go all out. All the other holidays, its much more reserved and less booze.
  • I missed my plank yesterday, it was too hectic, getting ready to do it now. I must be in the middle of a whoosh because I've lost 2.2 in 3 days! I have reached 20 pounds lost! I'm rewarding myself with a funny workout tank, it says "I lift so I can carry more books" I'm a nerd, and I work at a library, so It's very…
  • I think I'm in the middle of a Whoosh. Lost 2.2 in 3 days. I hit 20 pounds lost!!!! My reward for this is a funny workout tank top. It says "I lift so I can carry more books" I work in a library and am a big nerd, so it's very appropriate!
  • We're hosting a handful of family the day of, and then have a huge party on saturday to attend. I'm not going to log, but I'm going to be mindful and listen to my hunger cues. Take 1 serving of only things I really want, not 2 of everything just because it's there. Eat slow, and enjoy a little cheat. My party will be…
  • I hit that next decade goal I've been wanting for weeks! I started fitting into the next size down shorts from years ago, and I was almost able get on some pajama pants I couldn't fit into when I bought them. (i couldn't try them on instore, and was too embarrassed to take them back) These are my new short term goal pants!
  • I hope everyone had a good weekend. We're prepping for the 4h of july festivities, I can't wait for all the yummy food. I have given myself permission to not log at the 2 parties I'm going to, but to be mindful instead. Take 1 instead of 2 or 3 helpings, evaluate my hunger before going back. I'm not a big drinker, but my…
  • I have to admit, I've never done a plank! I think I'll have to try the modified version
  • I have been pushing to make it to the next decade for weeks, I wanted to hit it by the end of June. My last weigh in was .2 lbs away. Things have been stressful, so I haven't been doing as well as I'd like. I am on track for 1 pound a week, but it comes in fits and starts. Like I'll lose a half pound each week, then have a…
  • I like that idea. Would we find our own baseline, and then strive to do more than that number each day?
  • Super Summer Slimdown :sunglasses: Name: Heather Age: 31 Height: 5’5" Highest Weight: 308 Start Weight (June 1, 2018): 294.0 Goal Weight (August 31, 2018): 275 6/23 to 6/29 focus: Steps 6/23:6167, 6/24:3174, 6/25:9465, 6/26:7944, 6/27:8172, 6/28:6297 June 8- 292 June 15- 291.6 June 23- 290.8 June 30- 290.2 Weight -/+ this…
  • It's been a very stressful week, but I did have a half pound loss! New kitty is so well adjusted and chill. Resident kitty just needs to get used to her more and stop hissing.
  • Fruit! I can, and have, overeaten on fruit and gotten sick. Grapes, apples, berries. Just so good!
  • Wednesday - Wishes: I wish this was going a little faster for me. I am not quite sure what to tweak. Every calorie calculator, MFP included, gives me like waaaay over 2000 calories per day. I try to stick at 1500 to 1800. I don't eat back any exercise calories. I'm doing 20 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of cardio 3 to…
  • It was a paper sheet, sadly. I kept telling myself i needed to digitize it, but never got around to it
  • I lost my sheet that had all the machines i use and what weights. I lost all my tracked progress...I can start over, but I really liked seeing every step up in weight...
  • I really loved jazzercize, but I can't afford the classes anymore. My new gym doesn't offer any classes, right now it's just the machines at the gym, or walking when it's not too hot outside. I think I multitask a lot more when i'm on the couch. I'm listening/watching, but also reading or texting or knitting, so I don't…
  • Getting bored during cardio. I've tried watching tv or shows on youtube and it helps a little. But usually 15 minutes in my mind just goes bonkers with how bored I am. But that doesn't happen when I'm sitting on the couch mindlessly watching something.
  • We successfully brought home the new kitty, Aphrodite. Its been a stressful week worrying of she'd still be waiting for us at the shelter, worrying about how resident cat Bailey would take it. I had so much anxiety yesterday my fitbit didn't read under 80 bpm and i could feel my heartbeat in my chest all day. Aphrodite is…
  • Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating? I have been pretty good getting in 3 to 4 workouts a week. This week I just felt weak and shaky, I think it was because the air quality was so bad, so I took it easier on cardio. I need to get one more day in, so I may go tomorrow…
  • The desk set up looks great, Jill! I am almost at 18 pounds lost. I've been itching to drop into the next decade for weeks, it's been very slow going with the losses. I need a whoosh week. My Chiropractor and massage therapist at his office both commented on my weight loss, progress and how my muscles feel better since…
  • I have 2 finally! 1) My jeans were super loose today! I need to buy a belt. 2) My Chiropractor and massage therapist both noticed and commented on my weight loss and said they could feel the difference in the muscles in my back! I haven't been in pain in at least a month.
  • Super Summer Slimdown :sunglasses: Name: Heather Age: 31 Height: 5’5" Highest Weight: 308 Start Weight (June 1, 2018): 294.0 Goal Weight (August 31, 2018): 275 6/8- 6/15 focus: move more. How I did: :/ June 8- 292 June 15- 291.6 June 23- 290.8 June 30- Weight -/+ this week: -.8 Weight -/+ this challenge: -3.2 Total weight…
  • We lost my dad several years ago, so mom likes to plan stuff to get our minds off of it. Today we're going to bingo
  • I was over the past two days, but I did have a exercise to balance it out i think. I try to stay in the 1500 to 1800 range, with or without exercise, I don't eat back my calories if at all possible. Thursday and friday were both right at or a bit above 2000. I am ok with this, it's taken a lot of work to be ok with this.…
  • Super Summer Slimdown :sunglasses: Name: Heather Age: 31 Height: 5’5" Highest Weight: 308 Start Weight (June 1, 2018): 294.0 Goal Weight (August 31, 2018): 275 6/8- 6/15 focus: Positive Self-Talk! Say something nice to yourself EVERY day! How I did: :) <3 June 8- 292 June 15- 291.6 June 23- June 30- Weight -/+ this week:…
  • I'm close to getting into the next "decade." I hope to see it this week on the scale!
  • @thelifeilove1 I had a Siggi vanilla yogurt, it was 110 cal, and it's very thick, so I ate slowly and I feel much better. I like popcorn, but we don't keep any in the house since my hubby can't have it(but like to sneak it! He had his colon and part of the sm intestine removed, so stuff like that is too rough on him)