esmeraldaRM Member


  • i think i got a lot of good options the ones that stand out the most make it fit in you cal budget if your gonna cheat make it count eat a smaller portion and just go and chit chat CHECK OUT THE MENU THOROUGHLY i think the biggest mistake was that i panicked and rushed when the waitress asked if i was ready to order i…
  • I want to say funny but at the same time the prison complex is no laughing matter ??? But yeah it's that is no joke. Point taken ^_^ I did take out the extra bread slices out and I wiped out the mayo :)
  • Wow thanks guys for all the suggestions the flexibility should make this an easier transition
  • i book marked the scared straight link too lol
  • see that was my plan but then i was like yuck eggs and then i was ewh pancakes and now i am lamenting my decisions yeah it was too much mayo but i forgot in the heat of the moment to say no mayo and i forgot to ask for whole wheat bread next time i will be better prepared
  • i like option A too but i also feel like i should acknowledge that it was not my best performance
  • so the first link was like a scared straight experience and the second one felt more like a one step at a time thing it is absolutely getting bookmarked for harder times ahead :)
  • i swear i did not see 500 calories or less options all those lights and smells must have gotten me loopy i did see like 600 cals for eggs but im not a big fan of eggs *-_-
  • i REALLY REALLY didn't want ihop but i had my mom with me and i couldnt say no to her little face so :/ i tried to eat half the meal but the devil on my shoulder wouldn't shut up about it. i will have to burn some of it off and try to stay within budget the rest of the day i like that idea a little over 1 and a little…
  • well i went to ihop today and ALL choices were bad even salads were 700+ calories i spent half my calorie budget in one sitting!!
  • i need help my habits are terrible i skimp during the day and indulge at night!! :s Im tired of the feeling so ashamed and helpless.
  • I walk in the mornings too and it is hard but i feel accomplished when i'm done i am doing the c25k app (i don't actually run when it tells me to i just walk faster and swoosh my arms :P)