BT2016 Member


  • Hey erik! Just letting you know you're not alone!
  • You ladies still around here? Would like to join you all! Had my RNY 5 yrs ago and have gained 60 back! You all sound like a lovely group. There are days I cry I am so mad at myself for gaining this weight back. But, my dear husband loves me at any weight, always has. Still that doesn't mean much after one goes through…
  • I still drink UNJURY. No carbs and 21 grams of Isolate protein plus only 100 calories. Starting back up on it, as I have regained most of my weight back and when I was drinking 2 a day, I was maintaining my 200 pound WL for almost 3 years.
  • Is anyone out there? I had RNY 5 yrs ago and 2yrs ago after an accident, I had a surgery. Needless to say, between the slow recovery and the medications, the pounds cometh. At least, how about we about we talk? Even if we don't know the answers?