dee_thurman Member


  • In looking at the race info it says you can wear a wetsuit if the water is 78 degrees or cooler. It also says that the lake is usually in the mid to upper 70's. It says you can rent a wetsuit and gives you 2 different places to rent them. bike course aid stations offering gatorade bottles water bottles bananas pretzels gel…
  • "ARE WE STARTING IN THE WATER OR IS IT A BEACH START? The race is a water start." What is the difference? I think I can picture a beach start but what is a water start?
  • Here is the map of the run By looking at the map it looks all you do is run hills. I am not very good at looking at the maps and getting a good idea of what it will be like though.
  • Above is the link to the bike course I will be riding. Is this typical? total ascent of 1475 ft and has a max elevation of 922.74. start elevation is 616 ft - max is 922 ft - gain 1475 ft It looks like the first 8 miles you go from 616 ft…
  • FYI - I am currently at day 192 for eating healthy and exercising. That gives you some sort of a feel of how long I have been active. I have ran a mini and a marathon in that time.
  • I am trying to maintain my current weight.
  • I was wondering if there were any nutrition books that I could read that go along with training for a triathlon. It is very different eating and burning the calories that you do on a daily basis while training. To run a marathon you have some long runs but the rest of the time you aren't burning the amount of calories that…
  • I understand that they are very different but I would like to experience what it is like to transition from swimming to biking to running. I would like to experience some of the details of a race. Something as simple as laying out equipment and finding it after swimming. It is all new to me and the I don't want some of the…
  • I loved running my marathon. It wasn't all pretty towards the end but I loved the training and the race. I have never done anything like it before in my life. The most I had ever ran at one time before that might have been 6 miles ( I am not even sure if I had ran that.) I have never biked for exercise before (not even a…
  • I don't know if everyone that is commenting knows that I am only doing a 1/2 ironman not a full ironman. 1.2 mile swim 56 mile bike 13.1 run FYI - The only time I have to workout is in the morning most of the time on Tuesday and Thursday and to max my time I just run after the swim. I do it because of time more than trying…
  • It looks to me like about the average time for people who finished in the middle of the pack is anywhere from 3:10 - 3:30 on the bike. Which means 16-18 mph will get you pretty close to that range. My last 25 mph training ride was in that range and I have ridden for a couple of weeks and I don't have shoes or clips yet. I…
  • i need to research it a little more but this is the one.
  • By the way, hydration about broke my race in the marathon. So I 100% agree with you about that and nutrition. I am reading about it now and working on getting better in those 2 areas. I would welcome any advice or any thoughts on what I could read to help me.
  • bluetrumpet01 - How long do you usually train for a half ironman? I am pretty confident that at this stage in training I can swim for an hour, bike for two hours and i just finished a marathon a little more than 3 weeks ago. I don't know if I could do all 3 back to back to back all in one session (probably not right now.)…
  • I do have a bike, helmet, gloves, lights, and a cell phone holder that keeps me updated on how long I have biked and how fast I am going through an app. I don't have anything for swimming except an old pair of speedo goggles that I don't know will work or not. I don't need anything but fuel for my run. I have running shoes…
  • I live in a small town where there is no tri club. Is there a store specific for triathletes? I can go into running or biking stores and ask where the best place to purchase these things.
  • Sarabushby: i do have a road bike. Here is my list from your post - tri suit? I am not sure what this is but I can look it up wetsuit swim cap goggles (coating) ear plugs - optional nose plug - optional bodyglide towel talc (not sure what this is but i can look it up) bike cleats pedals with clips drink/food - for t1 on…
  • I apologize for all of the questions but you guys have been extremely helpful. Everyone is new once right? Thanks again.
  • I guess the same question for the bike. I have a bike, a helmet, a pair of gloves, a case for my cell phone that fits on my bike, lights to ride when it is dark. What else do I need?
  • What will I need to swim in my first triathlon. Currently I have a pair of cheap regular swim trunks and that is what I have been training with. I have no cap, no goggles, no wetsuit, no anything else I might need. What do I NEED?
  • I didn't start out that way and that is why I am on MFP
  • If you guys can do triathlons and run multiple marathons, why MFP. Do you track your food and count your calories with all of the exercise you do? What function are you getting out of MFP? I started off tracking everyday but I have found a grove with exercise and what I eat my weight pretty much stays the same.
  • Anybody have any ideas, thoughts about what is a good bike app?
  • By the way I feel like an easy bike ride tonight even though it isn't in my training. For my marathon I was pretty strict on sticking to my program. I have swam 1000 and ran 4 miles but I did it back to back in the morning. I feel like a 7-10 mile bike ride. I don't bike again until Sunday (25 miles) It can't hurt can it.…
  • glevinso - You say that but I about didn't make it. I was totally fine for 23 miles. Started cramping around that time and full fledged cramped for the last 1/2 mile. My running form had to be pretty funny as I waddled across... Walking back to the car took awhile as my lower half locked up. It was the hottest day of the…
  • My resting heart rate is upper 40's. Usually around 46-50. My fitbit tells me everyday.
  • If it helps for my marathon, I ran around an 8:30 pace for the first 23 miles before I started cramping up. I think my pace for the marathon ended up being around a 9:00 pace and that was fine for me. I wasn't trying to compete to win, I wasn't walking at any point in time in the marathon but it was fast enough for me to…
  • sarabushby - thanks for the swim times - that gives me what I was looking for.
  • As far as times go, I am not really interested in finishing in any place other than just finishing the race. However when I I start the race I don't want to be towards the bottom. What are the average times for swimming in a pool while training or biking?
  • Any idea what decent times are for biking and swimming? I swam 1000 yards in the pool today. I biked 20 miles yesterday. I don't really have an idea what a decent time is for swimming in a pool or biking on a good paved trail in normal conditions with very little hills. Any help?