Count your proteins, try to hit a number you choose every day. If you lift heavy I'd recommend 1g per 1lb of your lean body mass, if you don't 0.5g would suffice. Also I'd never go below 50g fats daily. They are responsible for too much hormonal processes in your body. With rest of your calories you can do whatever you…
Remember that not only plain water counts into your ,,water intake''. Tea, coffee, juices, sugarfree sodas, everything you drink except alcohol which has dehydrating effect. Of course water is understood as the healthiest of drinks, but as a former obese dude I can tell I was sweating a lot, especially in the summer. And…
A lot of the weight you gained was water weight, which will shred of you as soon as you use your glycogen stores. You might think that this holiday was a setback, but think of it rather as a investment. Because your body got chance to get your hormones to balanced levels. So now you will be able to continue your journey so…
Remember that water soluble vitamins aren't even possible to digest if eaten in large doses. You will pee or sweat them, before they can be digested. That's why it is better to take in multivitamins in smaller doses, portioned throughout the day. So if you eat a vitamin reach meal with a lot of veggies, you won't be able…
The best and most healthy way would be if you'd start to monitor your current intake for like two weeks and check your weight daily. It all depends on your current metabolism. But if you want to start losing weight immediately start with these calories, but have in mind that you will be starving your organism and possibly…
To be honest, you'll possibly lose even more. Protein has 4kcal per 1g as carbs do, yet only about 20% of excess calories from protein turn to glucose via gluconeogenesis. Also protein has much greater thermic effect, so the more protein and less carbs, there is less total calories. For strict body composition purposes it…
Ladies, count your macros, exercise as much as you can recover from and enjoy your lifes. If scale stalls for longer, just cut some calories or add some exercise. And if you've been dieting for 3-4 months or longer, maybe some recovery diet (1-2 weeks on your maintenance calories) would help and kickstart your metabolism.…
Mixed with scoop of whey (chocolate peanut butter is awesome), 20-30 grams of some cereal and finished with a sprinkle of cinnamon is one of my basic meals. I also use a low-fat version, so if I want my fats higher I can mix in some peanut butter.