Reed039 Member


  • If your doctor determines that it's simply a strained lower back, I'd record yourself squatting and deadlifting (or whatever caused the injury) and submit it for a form check (here, /r/fitness, /r/formcheck, etc.). As for accelerating the healing of a lower back strain, I'd use a heating pad while sleeping, refrain from…
  • In these types of posts, it would help to establish common ground in terms of what you already know and/or plan on doing. Do you understand the basics of nutrition? I.e. energy balance/CICO and the role of different macronutrients. In terms of exercise, what are your goals? Pick up a reputable program that aligns with them.
    in Advice Comment by Reed039 May 2018
  • Yes but be sure to not overestimate calories burned.
  • Exercise does not increase one's allotment of sodium in the app, however over consuming sodium is not a concern for the vast majority of the population (unless you're in the very small minority and are sodium sensitive).
  • Be in a caloric deficit and you'll lose weight.
    in Medication Comment by Reed039 May 2018