The amount you give will determine the amount you receive .. Give all you have
I agree with all the posts above! Personally, i have been having, although I dislike this term, "cheat days" all week, so I will be a little strict with myself. But if you have been working hard, I suggest you have fun! After all it is a holiday!
@Shull_rachael lets do it! I just got mine in this morning
Hahah @deniseyweesy1 well 1 out of 4 isn't bad, the only reason I am doing this is because I for the past month I've been having binge eating issues- time to change!
Go on! It's a blog and she has all the discs reviewed in detail. I've done insanity, but not the recovery videos.
Yesterday I accomplished my list but splurged a tad on Terra chips. They aren't the worst but aren't the best
I'll be doing insanity!! Never stop pushing
My goal feeling is accomplishment
1.) eat all healthy unprocessed foods 2.) kill my insanity max plyo workout 3.) go to bed by 10:15 4.) eat less then 400 calories after dinner (always end up having a snack which ends up more like a meal
@Mellie289 good advice! I think I'm going to try to go cold turkey for a while and see what happens. But that is definitely a smart idea, thank you.
@kommodevaran You know what, me too. If you can do it, so can I. And if I can do it, so can you :) We don't need no stinkin' nut butter lol