lauradunn613 Member


  • Girl I was in the same spot earlier this year. Nursing made me gain weight, not lose... I was too tired to exercise and had absolutely no time to cook since I work full time too. And if I cut down on calories my supply would tank, which meant more stress! First time I ran after we weaned, i was amazed at how easy it was…
  • This is on my plan for next week, you can prep it 100% ahead of time and put it in the crockpot in the morning.
  • Awesome! 8 weeks is incredible. So far this week I've stuck to plan, but I ran out of lunches so last night I went and got some lean cuisines, an easy swap. I've found that if I enter all my food in the morning, I'm more likely to stick to it. Please post some of your go to recipes and foods!
  • I'm aiming for 60 but would be THRILLED to lose 50! I am 30 with a threenager (boy) and 9 month old (girl). I was halfway to my goal before when I got pregnant with baby girl, so I know HOW to lose weight, it's just a matter of motivation and effort.
  • I love and also They are both built around weight watchers type eating plans. My favorite crock pot dish is the green chili and pork stew on skinny taste- I can prep it ahead of time and put it in the crock pot in the morning. It's actually cooking as I type this :)