sarahjen92 Member


  • Add me if you wanna see how not to eat ;) But in all seriousness, I'm open to friends. Been doing this app solo for a long time and could use the motivation! Especially this time of year.
  • It's a love/hate thing with legs. I don't really have a designated leg day though. I do the StrongLifts program so squats are in every workout, deadlifts every other. Does the job for me. I like to keep things simple and short lol.
  • Good ol Pennsylvania
  • If you pay the $10 for the SL app versus using the free version, you can customize your workouts. There's an option for timed plank on workout A, and I add my own as well (reverse incline crunches, bicycle abs, crunches, etc). I love the app. It makes working out more simplified and hits all the major stuff. I do always…
  • I get tripped up when I get "depressed"...first thing I go for is chocolate (or anything sugary really) and it's all downhill from there. Like you said, I already cheated so why stop? I used to have better self discipline but that went out the window evidently. I can't have "junk" food sitting around or I will eat it. My…
  • I only tried quest once and didn't care for it... My favorite protein bars are the Pure Protein chocolate chip cookie dough. They're delicious. Deluxe chocolate is pretty good too. I actually love that they're not very sweet at all, and they're filling. They're my breakfast on most days. Clif bars are alrightish. Took a…
  • I use stevia in my coffee to sweeten it.
  • I have my bikini hanging on my drawer handle for motivation :D
  • You're fine. That's the bare minimum you need. You can consume a lot of vitamin C. I really don't think you can get too much of it. I take emergen-c packets and my multi vitamins have c I get tons.
  • Coffee with stevia, creamer or half & half, and baileys. Pure protein bar and/or a banana. I start work at 5:45 six days a week so need something fast and easy. Sunday I'll have a bowl of cereal with 2% milk usually, or sometimes just the coffee. If I'm feeling really motivated, a slice of toast with coconut oil or Irish…
  • Honestly, nope. Don't feel guilty at all. If I save enough calories for a treat (I also have a bit of an ice cream addiction...), I feel pretty darn good about it.
  • Awesome! Welcome back! Yes, I could lose about 15 pounds
  • [A frozen banana, 1 cup Silk Chocolate Cashew milk and cocoa powder. It's like a milkshake.
  • Thanks for all the replies! Now I'm realizing it was pretty ambitious to sign up for it. Lucky for me, it has four routes (40, 60, 80, 100), and I chose the "unsure which route" option. With all the information you guys gave me, I think it would be better to shoot for the 60 miler. I know I can do that - especially being…
  • If I only worked out when I wasn't tired...I wouldn't be working out too much! And most of the time it makes me feel better afterward...mentally and physically. If I'm fatigued or know it's my body telling me to take a break, I try to listen and rest. Activity is a daily part of my life, so exercising on top of it can…
  • In all honesty, I would gain weight doing that as well, and I exercise every day and have 3 active jobs. I think you set your activity level too high and it's throwing your TDEE off. Simple solution. Either lower calorie intake or exercise more.
  • Biking is exercise. Anything you plan on logging as exercise is not included in your regular daily activity. That said, you should probably set yours for sedentary. I have 3 physical jobs not including exercise, and still have mine set for sedentary.
  • That's the way it is around here, hills galore :) But I think you misunderstood the speed part. Having a faster cadence or rpm isn't equal to going faster. I used to leave my bike I'm a higher gear and pedal slower (therefore push harder), till I learned it's not good for your joints and simply wears you out faster. That's…
  • First, I would suggest going to a bike shop to buy another bike. They often sell used bikes, and I picked up a nice used Scott road bike for $300 (like new, with an original price tag of $800). I would stay away from Wal-Mart if I were you. Next, what type of riding do you want to concentrate on? Riding the road, or doing…
  • That's funny, that's all I use in my coffee. Tastes fine and looks fine.
  • There's almond milk creamer or coconut milk creamer. I honestly just use my almond or cashew milk. Haven't used dairy cream in almost a year.
  • I usually have a protein shake in the morning (up early for work so forget cooking). I'm a huge fan off cottage cheese though - I'll throw in a tablespoon of ground flaxseed and a couple spoonfuls of raisins as well. A slice of Ezekial bread with jam or coconut oil is another one of my favorites. Hardboiled eggs as well. I…
  • I think it's another way to make an excuse for being overweight? Kinda like the whole, "I have big bones" one. Yeah, some frames are larger than others, and some proportions are different. But no, it doesn't change the fact of being overweight. It just makes them feel better evidently.
  • Shinedown and nickleback are good choices too
  • Depends on your genre preferences. I'm a rock/metal kinda girl...disturbed, five finger death punch, Metallica, volbeat, breaking Ben. Stuff like that keeps me going. I throw in some random rap and dance. Blink 182 is fun and pretty upbeat for cardio.
  • I'm not an expert by any means...but I do know (like everyone else has been saying) that you won't build muscle eating at a deficit. You can't build something out of nothing. Choose which is more important...building muscle, or losing fat? Then stick with it. I like the Stronglifts 5x5 program because I work out at home as…
  • Get a job? Being a student is not a career nor an employment. Since you've said that you have nothing to do, I don't understand the concept of NOT having a job...especially when you're 21. That's a little scary to be perfectly honest. I would ask how you can even afford to go to the gym or school...but I think I know the…
  • You do realize that people can have different physiques (which lumps your frame size in there). First, do more research before saying something that dumb. Second, there are different frame sizes. While I will never, EVER on my skinniest day wear a US size 0 because I would look (and be) sickly and weak, other girls can…
  • What Elizabeth said! You need to eat no less than 1,100 to 1,200 calories. Since you're 5'2", I wouldn't go under 1,200. Keep in mind, if you do any working out/exercise, you need to eat back some of those calories as well. I try to eat back 50%, though some days it's more or less. Try to hit your macros as best as you…