Emelade Member


  • If your talking about the Note 7 yes I am well aware of the battery issue. Thats not what I'm posting about though. Im looking at smartwatches and opinions on the Gear Fit 2.
  • If you down load endomondo on the gear and also on your phone you can then link it up with the smart watch and myfitnesspal. Or you can put google fit on it Just found that off another post. :)
  • Yep. Stressed- I snack upset- I snack bored - I snack. It makes it harder now that I'm at home all day with kids vs working at my old job. But I wouldn't change that, just my eating habits! Feel free to add me ^_^
  • I used to have a stressful Job. I would take my daughter for a walk after work. I noticed that even if it was a short walk, it helped make me feel better. Walks are great. One of my favorite forms of exercise. I normally have a fitbit and I used that to help motivate me to get to 10k steps a day. Can't wait to replace the…
  • I'd love to be supportive as well as supported. I know exactly how it is losing that weight then gaining it! Before I got married I lost 50lbs. Then we put our house up for sale, sold it and moved. In that time I gained 30lbs back. Then I got pregnant and I'm now 80 lbs from where I want to be. I'm at the point where not…
  • I would love fitbit friends! Emenicholls@gmail.com
  • Same. I stopped doing any fitness and exercise when we put our house up for sale in July 2014. Then I ended up getting pregnant and didn't start anything new. Now my baby is 4 months and I'm ready to get back and get into exercising. However, I've recently been in a car accident and am trying to see a physical therapist so…