danmarbar Member


  • https://www.fitbit.com/user/45BFLS Just got mine! So excited. Please add me!
  • Wore my yogies today so couldn't carry my phone. Broke my pedometer the other day, fitbit still didn't come. I am down for the count today.
  • Hi there, my name is Danielle. I am a 24 year old with two beautiful daughters, 8 & 1. I am in a committed relationship, but not married. I was born with a VSD of the heart and so working out is pretty tough and with the kids that much harder. I am sneaking in jumping jacks, stair stepping, walking, and bike riding though…
  • I am up to 12k, but getting tired lol. Still good start after being off work for two weeks and barely getting 3k
  • I will make sure to check in! Today was my first day back to work and I am just now getting off. I am supposed to be getting my fitbit tomorrow, but had the pedometer on my phone and one on my hip most of the day till it broke. The one on my hip was saying more than on my phone, but my phone is already at over 8k. I'll…
  • Hello everyone! My name is Danielle. I am 24 (almost 25). I am the proud mom of 2 little girls. I am currently at 170 pounds and trying to get down to at least 150. My main goal is getting into better shape for my girls after being born with a heart defect. I am shooting for 15k steps a day as I normally do about 10k at…
  • Would love to know as well! Been looking for something on a budget.
  • I am 172 lbs, 5'2" and am 24. I am very careful, but it worries me a lot not knowing if am pushing myself too hard. I am actually looking to invest in a FitBit or any watch with a heart rate monitor, but they are a little out of reach at the moment. Nothing catches on the bike with or without the kiddie seat added. Thank…
  • I am not sure about cogs and all that, not sure what those even are. I have a 26" Huffy Trail Runner 18 Speed. It has the numbers 1-3 on the left hand gear and 1-7 on the right. It was a cheaper bike, but the one I could afford. The area was not very hilly a flat but small ups and downs for the sidewalks a slight hill…
  • Thank you for the chart!
  • The exercise calories do not adjust on any activity level. I will just unlink them I guess :)
  • No, I don't know what that is :open_mouth:?! I really want to do everything right so that I continue to lose weight.
  • I put in active. It gives me a goal of 10k steps a day on here and of course I went over yesterday by about 1k. I have been deleting the extra calories when they add them, but it tried to add close to 500 calories.
  • I bought a pedometer and am averaging 11k a day.
  • You can add me as well (anyone who wants that is) I have been logging for 7 days now and feel great! Looking to lose 15lbs for now and when I hit that I will do some more!
  • Hit the little pencil in the top right corner. Click the boxes to the left of the recipe title and then delete :)
  • I am 5'2" and 175lbs. I opted for a middle rate of 1.5lb a week weight loss. I have been trying to stay away from fatty foods and have been eating a protein bar once a day mid-shift at work since they seem to hold me over longer, also oatmeal seems to hold me over.
  • Thank you, I adjusted in to active and got 300 calories more a day which is about what I was going over! :) I did not adjust it for walking since it is a new thing and man after two days I am having to take a break. My legs are hurting (but in a great way) but I am getting winded easily, no doubt a result of not exercising…
  • Thanks everyone! I can not seem to find out where to change my settings now though. :(