LeanneMScott Member


  • Please could team rh people add me so i can get some meal ideas. I'm on week two and on 1800 calories im just getting to grips with it, any help would be appreciated :) xx
  • Hi, I've just started cize today it was so much fun. However I know that my weakness is doing something for a few days and then falling off the wagon 🤦‍♀️ I'd definitely be up for accountability buddies although I dont know how to add people lol. I've got around 16 lbs I want to lose, which isnt actually a lot but I really…
  • Thanks everyone 👍😊 xx
  • I could definitely do with some more support too! I always go through phases of a few weeks on and then give up. But I'm determined to stick to it this time. The more friends on here the merrier
  • Fab thankyou! Xx
  • Hi everybody :) my name is Leanne, im 28 from north east England im a single parent with 2 children. Im studying at college at the moment too. Im currently 154 lb aiming to lose around 10lbs / fit into some of my old jeans lol. Looking to all of you for motivation and support :smiley: