drawaimfire Member


  • Hi, Since my late teens, I am golden on 5.5-6.5 hours a night. Anything 7+ and I usually get headaches and feel spacey. Under 5 and I am OK for a few days but try to catch back up to the 5-6 range. If diet and exercise are on track I can go that way for awhile, if two out of three gets derailed, then I am in trouble.…
  • Just made 'chocolate chip cookie dough bars' its a no bake, and a huge hit, just google it, very simple recipe and I was able to make it gluten and dairy free, without compromising it in any way. Its almost like a cookie dough fudge and I topped my with a chocolate glaze. Best of luck!
  • I like to reverse things, and then see how I would feel. If you were losing faster than him, how would he treat you and better still, how would you expect to be treated and how would you treat him if you were 'winning'? Celebrate both of your accomplishments and leave no space for negative thinking. He is your partner for…
  • VS, especially anything with a front closure, no gymnastic style wrestling with yourself and a sweaty elasticized torture device for removal ;) (34DDD but used to be a 36/38 DDD and before VS I used to double up, ugh)
  • Any and all veggies, on the grill whenever I can. Doesn't matter what kind, I have made it work and the flavour... <3
  • I hope you are feeling better! I donate regularly and have never experienced anything like that, I just get a little sleepy that day and then back up to snuff the next morning. Don't let it discourage you, its a great thing to do and with the advice some have put above, you should be OK if that's what caused it.
  • Cupid's Span! Its on my list of things to see in the USA. Archery lover here <3 Funny thread too, cheeky peeps!
  • I think my favourite (for sheer laughs) was being in the washroom at work and a woman was in the stall next to me, she farted, and said 'excuse me'. Have heard a lot of things I wished I could forget in the work washrooms but that one moment still makes me giggle. Polite AF ;)
  • That is a fantastic picture! You genuinely made me laugh and smile with it, thank you :# #Canadaruleseh
  • Do not use his reaction as an excuse to put off what you you want to do. Even those that love us most sometimes pop out with some weird things, don't automatically look for the blame. Now go get started, and have fun!
  • Just outside Markham, Ontario. I am nomadic though and have had the pleasure of living in a few of our beautiful provinces. Prince Edward County, Picton is where my heart lies, maybe in 30 years I will retire there ;)
  • When I'm single, sure, but as soon as that bed isn't just for sleeping...no chance ;) 'Cheeky - time' does not involve furry friends.
  • I've witnessed the blow drying, mildly traumatizing. Its the sitting, open legged just chatting away when you look up and least expect it. I would also think that most of the ladies smell better than the guys...I have also since learned its not true. So many things that cannot be unseen or unsmelled.
  • Agreed, Budget Bytes is fantastic. I've been cooking off of her site or have used it for inspiration for over 6 years. It helped me pare down my grocery bill big time and she makes very straight up, easy to create or alter meals. If you love Sriracha sauce, you will fit right in :smiley: Best of Luck!
  • Yes :wink: I'm down to 167 from 200 and just want to be in the ballpark of the 140's by the time my journey is done, oh and also able to bench press my own weight again, that's always fun! What is everyone's plan? I'm simply moving more, much much more and CICO, I do not eat back my exercise calories (I use the app,…
  • Firstly, You're very strong for getting past and dealing with the many things you spoke on above. Let's start there! Secondly, some parents speak very frankly to their children. My mother would cringe at the thought of saying anything like that, but my mother in law, oh my, she thinks it, she speaks it lol. I would never…
  • Agreed on the trial and error, I haven't been eating back my exercise calories and hope that won't be a mistake but I am sated and energetic, if that changes, I will adjust my diet to reflect that. Your body will tell you what it needs, just be patient and monitor yourself. Best of luck and great job on the Boot-camps!
  • Hi, First time poster so please, go easy on me as I will be replying as more of a devil's advocate. From what you are saying, I feel that she does support you, correct? Spouses are a great resource, especially if you don't have the benefit of a larger support group locally, though, you have us the MFP community, which is…