Thanks everyone! I've looked into physical therapists in the area :)
Another day, another workout. Cardio: 20min jog Strength: squats 5x5, bench press 5x5, barbell row 5x5, planks 5x1:00 Assessment: got a baby cold over the weekend and skipped some weekend activities but feelin a bit better today. Starting to incorporate whole grain anf starchy carbs on lifting days only. Shrimp, eggplant,…
Friday at last!!! My 4day work week felt like forever, so i feel you, skee. Cardio: 20min jog Strength: squats 5x5, overhead press 5,5,5,4,5, deadlift 1x5, crunches 4x25, planks 3x1:00 Assessment: BJJ yesterday. Sad im already failing in my stronglifts, but kind of expected to fail the overhead press quickly as it's my…
Hey guys Cardio: 20min treadmill HIIT Strength: squats 5x5, bench press 5x5, bent over row 5x5, crunches 5x20, planks 4x1:00 Assessment: joined a new gym today with better equipment and thus lifted in a power rack for the first time! I was pretty lost and a kind, seasoned gentlemen noticed and helped me set myself up. What…
I recommend focusing on the kinds of food you eat with a such a low caloric intake. IE, focus on eating vegetables with every meal and some kind of protein option. See how those numbers add up and if you're losing weight, then go from there. It's hard as a shortie to focus on numbers when so many foods available and…
Happy New Year everyone! I finally hiked up Mission Peak yesterday (like 5.5 miles but 2000 foot elevation change). Was super great but left me sore this morning for sure. Cardio: 20min jog, light (10:00 min/mile pace) Strength: SL Workout B — Squats 5x5, Overhead press 5x5, Deadlift 1x5 + crunches and planks in between…
Happy saturday! Cardio: 20min job (8:30 pace) Strength: SL B — Squats, Bench press, Bent over rows 5x5 + 5x20 crunches and 5x0:45 second planks between sets Assessment: Eating good and feeling good. :) Fried lemon shrimp and cauliflower fried rice tonight.
How often people would ask how i did it, then suggest other diets, then proceed to lecture me on the dangers of yoyo dieting as if i havent been losing weight and preparing for maitenance for the last five months. -.-
142.4 > 148.7 :# already back to 144.8 today thankfully.
Hey all. Happy hump day. :) Cardio: 20min HIIT cycling Strength: SL workout B: Squat 5x5, Overhead press 5x5, Deadlift 1x5 + situps and planks in between Assessment: back on track with food and feeling 10x better for it. StrongLifts starts off easy, so I've been enjoying getting in and out of the gym in under an hour.…
Hi all. Merry christmas!! Hope everyone eats tasty somethings! Been super busy and working out sporadically but decided to try out the StrongLifts 5x5 routine as the new year rolls in to encourage and challenge me. Cardio: 15 min HIIT sprint intervals Stength: Workout A • Squats 5x5 • Bench press 5x5 • Bent over row 5x5…
Thank god it's thursday? Hope you're all doing well! Cardio: 20min incline walk Strength:* Lateral pulldowns (1x20, 1x15, 2x12) * Close-grip pulldowns (2x15, 2x12) * Bent over rows (2x15, 2x12) * BB bicep curls (2x15, 2x10) * DB curls (4x15) Assessment: Pork chop with asparagus and cauli-mash potatoes tonight.
Been a lot going on over here, but finally got outta my slump and back to the gym yesterday. Here's the workout: Cardio: 20min incline walk Strength: - Pec fly (2x20; 1x15) - Incline DB bench press (2x15; 2x10) - DB bench press (2x15; 2x10) - Tricep extensions (3x15 between bench sets) - Close-grip bench press (3x15) - Leg…
@aganey Awesome job staying on track and working with your schedule. :) I hope your son wins! Those game times are brutal--he's gonna be wiped out or ravenously hungry. Probably both! Now for today's workout... Cardio: 1 mile run (8:20 time) Strength:* Leg extensions (1x20, 1x15, 1x12) * Lying leg curls (1x20, 1x15, 2x12)…
Happy thursday all! Thanks for the birthday wishes !Welcome back @aganey. And good to see a new face, @DISCIPLINEEQUALSFREEDOM . :) I'm gettin bad at logging my workouts night of. D= Here is yesterday's: Cardio: 25min incline walk Strength:* Plank up-and-downs (3x15) * Pec fly (1x20, 1x15, 1x12) * Incline db bench press…
Hi all! Forgot to post yesterday. Between the holiday weekend and getting a tattoo friday night (happy early birthday to me!), I've been working out on and off. Here's yesterday: Cardio: 25min incline walk Strength: Off regular schedule due to tattoo on shoulder. - Cable rows (1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10) - Bent over rows…
Happy turkey day! I got up early to workout like niner :) great minds think alike. Cardio: 25min incline walk Strength: - Leg extensions (3x15) - Lying leg curls (4x12) - Squats (1x12; 1x10; 1x8; 1x6) - Leg press (1x12; 1x10; 1x8; 1x6) - Stiff-leg deadlifts (4x12) - Calf raises (3x25) Assessment: quad a lot better. Still a…
Happy hump day all! Hope you're ready for turkey day feasting tomorrow :wink: Cardio: 45min HIIT cycling Strength: - Plank up and downs (3x10) - Db pec fly (3x12) - Incline db bench press (1x12; 1x10; 1x8; 1x6) - Db bench press (1x12; 1x10; 1x8; 1x6) - Close grip bench press (3x12) - Tricep extensions (1x12; 1x10; 1x8) -…
To be the best me, to discipline myself so I can achieve other goals, to control my depression, to increase my confidence.
Make it a point to never have two "bad" or treat days in a row. Enjoy your time with your family and indulging, but never do it two days in a row. Also, maybe ask them to hide foods from view that are "trigger" foods for you.
Forgot to post yetserday! Woops. Cardio: 45 min walk in the park Strength:* Leg extensions (3x15) * Lying leg curls (1x15, 1x12, 2x10) * Leg press (1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10) * Squat (1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10) * Stiff leg deadlift (1x20, 2x15, 1x12) * Standing calf raise (3x25) Assessment: Cauliflower crust pizza for…
Monitor your food more closely and let yourself rest. If you push yourself before you've recovered, you'll be out longer than if you just took the time to rest. It's hard! But it's still worth it. You could also be more mindful about taking more walks during the day if it doesn't hurt your hamstring.
I had the same problem! Having no fun made me miserable and feel left out. Incorporating at least one treat day a week in coordination with the "never two in a row" rule really helped me change my mindset about treats, fun, and moderation. :) I hope it works for you too!
Thanks! Growing up, I was primarily a soccer player, so I had noooo upper body strength. It's been a trip seeing my muscles get defined and feeling them get harder and stronger. I definitely recommend it for anyone!
Hi there! First of all, congrats on your weight loss. You look healthy and strong to me! I'm also at a bit higher (143) than what I thought my ideal weight was (135), but I feel good here and know I can remain here, despite problem areas. In terms of leanness, after a certain point, it all becomes vanity and fitness…
I do a "never two days in a row" rule, so that if I have a treat one day, I won't have one the next. It helps me stay moderated, but also keeps me happy because I get my treats. :)
For holidays and treat days--I leave it to intuitive eating. If you've been losing or maintaining weight for a while, you know how much and what you should be eating from day to day anyways.
It's saturday! wooo! Cardio: 45min UrbanKick Strength:* V push ups (3x15) * Lateral raise (1x20, 1x15, 1x12) * Shoulder db press (1x 20, 1x15, 1x10, 1x8) * Arnold press (2x15, 1x12, 1x8) * Bent over laterals (1x20, 2x15) * Assisted pull ups (3x5) Assessment: Hopefully one of the last days I have to do both lifting and…
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and nice comments! :) @ryenday Yeah, CICO just didn't click as well for me. It worked all right the first time, but the way I was doing it wasn't sustainable. Focusing on the kinds of foods I was eating and measuring those foods helped me wayyy more. Now, I feel like food choices are…
This. Acceptance changes everything. You could always let one day be a bad day, then try to make the next day not so bad.