Thanks for your replies everyone! I won't worry about it too much then xx
Could it be because I am searching on it from my phone?
Thanks everyone! I think at those calories I'll only have it once a month or so
Thanks but I'm not quite sure how to use it. In myfitnesspal it comes up as around 645 calories. Is that right? It seems like a lot for 209g of steak
Cool thanks!
Yeh but then you can only know in hindsight you can't plan how much you are going to have
I wish that were the case but I have around 70-80 pounds to lose. I'm 28 years old, female and weigh 210 pounds. In 3 weeks of eating at 1200 -1300 per day I've lost 2 pounds.
Thanks everyone. I definitely allow myself some sort of dessert every day but the problem is stopping after one portion... some days I can stop and some days I can't. That's the problem, but I also know that cutting it out completely won't work because I WILL cave at some point around 3-4 weeks in and eat ALL the…
Thanks for your advice everyone. It's nice to know that I have support on here. For those asking I'm aiming to lose 1.5 pounds a week. But to be honest I keep going down to a certain point and then back up again because I binge and ruin everything. And when I say binge I mean I have had- probably around 500 calories worth…
Thanks everyone! You are all so inspiring! I can do this!!!
Wow you look amazing! Well done! Did you still eat takeaways and eat out? I find that I'm super strict and then we go out and I have a gain and I feel so much like a failure that I give up
Thanks everyone. Today is a new day. I'm going to drink loads of water and eat at a deficit and just take one day at a time. I am seeing a therapist to deal with childhood issues but so far we haven't got to the route of the problem as such. I guess it's because I had it under control for so long. We just know I've been…
Thanks for your tips everyone! I'm going to try to start walking at a gentle pace and see if I can up my calories a bit. I might invest in a pedometer... hopefully I'll be able to start fresh tomorrow and not let the guilt destroy my progress...
I'm 29 years old, female and 211 pounds. I can't exercise at the moment as I have a kneecap issue which I need to have physio for but I was told to lose weight first - so it's a bit of a vicious cycle. I've tested various calories and generally if I eat above 1400 maximum I don't lose weight. So normally I try to eat…
Thanks everyone that's really good advice! I'll definitely use all your tips in the future!
Thanks but not recovering from anything :(
Thanks everyone your advice is really appreciated
I have another 10 days until my period is due. Is there any chance there could be something medically wrong like hypothyroidism or anything like that? Or is that rare? It's like I've just looked at other people's diaries and seeing 1700-1800 calories per day. I would definitely gain ( and have gained) if I eat so many…
Sorry to sound moany I'm just so down about my weight...
Thanks everyone... you are right I just need to sit tight and keep going. I have a knee problem as well which prevents me from exercising much. I try to walk as much as a I can but I can't jog or run which is annoying. But I know 80 percent of weight loss is how many calories you consume so I just need to stick at it. It's…
What if I'm eating the wrong types of food? Could that make a difference even though I'm still counting calories? I've had takeaways, chocolate, ice cream... maybe I should cut those out?
Heather were your gains with you eating the same amount of calories?
I get that sometimes it would stay the same but it's gone up! I'm really worried... I've always failed to lose weight in the past because I never stick it out long enough if I feel restricted. This is why myfitnesspal is perfect but if I'm not going to lose weight then what's the point? It's only my 3rd week of being on it…
Thanks everyone. Not gonna lie I'm still struggling. It's like part of me doesn't want me to succeed. You've all given me some fab advice and yes, maybe I should stop putting a number or putting myself down. I need to turn a page and start fresh
Thank you everyone! I've got through one "good" day and after that I normally feel much better. I've written down all my mini goals so hopefully they will help me! Thanks for all the advice!
The thing is I know if I completely give up on them I will end up having a massive binge 3-4 weeks later. Whereas when I am being "good" I can be in control of how much I have. The problem is when I have a break- went on holiday 3 weeks ago which is when we got engaged. Since coming back I've just not been able to pull it…
Thanks everyone! I think I'll stick with what I'm doing then! I rarely feel hungry before 12:30-13:00 and I feel like I'm wasting calories by having breakfast. But my trainer at the gym and my friend who is a Pilates instructor both told me off lol!
Thank you everyone. I am very close to TOTM so it could be that but also I had a meal out on Saturday ( burger with rice) and although the calories were on their website and fit my macros I worried that it could have done the damage. It's so difficult when you have to eat out!! How long does it take for water weight to go…
Thank you everyone! I need to buckle down and lose this weight! It's getting me down so much!