hammergirl0801 Member


  • Your story is so much like mine and we started a few days apart from each other. I could feel your emotions when reading your post and know what it is like to be in such a dark place. But you took a great first step and I feel truly blessed to have found MFP. Take it one day at a time and don't beat yourself up to much. It…
  • I worry about this as well, a little, even though I have only been doing this for 2 weeks. I would be so sad if I stepped on a new scale and it told me I weighed more than I thought.
  • Thanks so much for all the kind words!! I am at 1500 Calories per day but I am averaging about 1300 or so per day. I am 5'7" and started at 203.
  • Well - I have now been logging for 2 weeks and I am happy to report I am down 5 pounds! I am really happy about this and MFP is so easy that I feel like I can totally do this. I don't feel hungry, I don't feel like I can't eat what I want - I just work in into my calories. I am SOOOO happy I found MFP!
  • I wore my husbands HR for a day and I HATED it. It was uncomfortable and completely inaccurate. I type a lot at work and it was logging steps while I was typing. Then I walked for 3 miles on the treadmill and sometimes I like to rest my arms up on the bar for a minute and it would not log those steps because my arms were…
  • Tracking my calories and exercising. But I think your right, it is the weather. It has been so dry and cold here the last few days that I think that might be it. I am really stuffy today so maybe I am jut getting a cold?
  • I just had a check up a month ago and they did all sorts of blood work, so it is not that. It is really strange. It started happening when I started MFP. It is fine, I am drinking a ton of water, which is good. But really strange!