dejawills15 Member


  • Purdue and Baylor messed my bracket up. My final four is Kansas, Oklahoma, UNC, & Michigan state
  • Sorry I'm just now seeing this. Someone please let me know what do I need to do. I plan on getting after it every day for the next two weeks
  • I'm with it. I've been an athlete all of my life. I have been in a cast since December and I've gained so much weight. I've been lifting weights and I am stronger than I have ever been. Now I need to shred it out and get lean. I finally get my cast off Thursday and I'm ready to get after it.
  • This sounds interesting and I would love to do it. What does the exercises consist of if you don't mind me asking. I'm currently in a cast. I will get off March 10, 2 weeks
  • I do that. For breakfast I eat oatmeal with milk and peanut butter in it, turkey bacon, and eggs. For lunch I eat tuna, pretzels, apple, orange, and I make a homemade smoothie. The dinner I had last week was asparagus, cooked potatoes and carrots, and steak. I put them in separate containers to even it out and watch my…
  • I've already started therapy. I'm doing therapy on my right foot now. It's actually starting to feel better. Before I got the cast on my therapist told me it would be a while before I can do any running because we need to get it calmed down. My first cardio exercise will be in the pool for a while.