dynamix1 Member


  • Thank you for the detailed information.
  • Just to drop an update on progress. It been a over 6 months and I can say it has been paying off. As of today 7/9/2016 I weighed in at 321 lbs. It seem like I'm slowing down losing weight and hit a wall at 324 for a while, almost 4 weeks of no weight change but then able to break through to get down to 321. I'm starting to…
  • Be strong the first few weeks for me was the hardest. But sticking with it I'm 60lbs down, its pays off.
  • The first few weeks will be tough as it was for me, I'm looking to lose a lot more but once you get into the routine it does work. Just keep tabs of your food in MFP and stick with. I've lost 37 lbs in 78 days so I see the results. Good luck.
  • I too was frustrated, even after a week and seen minimal results and I wanted to give up, but don't. Logging into day 64 on this journey and have lost 28 lbs. Weigh yourself every 7 days like I do it on a Friday. Every Friday I weigh myself first thing in the morning. Don't do it inbetween because you will become…
  • When I went to my regular doctor it showed 4 lbs less than my home scale. I have a digital scale and the doctor has one of those beam scales that you slide the weights. From my understanding those are the most accurate. I could be wrong but that's what i've heard. Also when I go to the heart doctor and I check my weight it…
  • Thanks for all the great responses. All I know is I've lost 24lbs so whatever is right or wrong I'll just keep doing what I'm doig.