Serious about losing Sixty Pounds

Hello. I'm new to this, & very serious about losing sixty pounds. Not for cosmetic reasons, but because my feet hurt, I take high blood pressure medicine, & I want to feel all around better! Maybe some of you can assist me in my journey to achieving my fitness goal. I love to eat, but I'm older now so I have to make better choices. I'm sincere, so I don't have time for cynics, or anybody that wants to provoke. I've been warned, so are you! I hope to learn some things I can apply & maybe make a friend or two. Thanks.


  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Hello. I'm new to this, & very serious about losing sixty pounds. Not for cosmetic reasons, but because my feet hurt, I take high blood pressure medicine, & I want to feel all around better! Maybe some of you can assist me in my journey to achieving my fitness goal. I love to eat, but I'm older now so I have to make better choices. I'm sincere, so I don't have time for cynics, or anybody that wants to provoke. I've been warned, so are you! I hope to learn some things I can apply & maybe make a friend or two. Thanks.

    I highly recommend plugging your numbers into the MFP database and logging consistently. The process works! Eat at a deficit and you'll see the weight start coming off.

    I like to eat too, so I workout a lot so I have a higher calorie allotment.
  • Jeff_Sawtelle
    Jeff_Sawtelle Posts: 67 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    Hello. I'm new to this, & very serious about losing sixty pounds. Not for cosmetic reasons, but because my feet hurt, I take high blood pressure medicine, & I want to feel all around better! Maybe some of you can assist me in my journey to achieving my fitness goal. I love to eat, but I'm older now so I have to make better choices. I'm sincere, so I don't have time for cynics, or anybody that wants to provoke. I've been warned, so are you! I hope to learn some things I can apply & maybe make a friend or two. Thanks.

    I highly recommend plugging your numbers into the MFP database and logging consistently. The process works! Eat at a deficit and you'll see the weight start coming off.

    I like to eat too, so I workout a lot so I have a higher calorie allotment.

    I will. You're great!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I agree with @kkenseth . Logging consistently is key. Do you have a food scale? If not, try to get one. They're not expensive and it's the best investment you can make towards your weight loss.

    I'm older too, and I'm short, and not the most motivated exerciser in the world, so I have a small deficit. For me, it's really important to be precise with my weighing and logging.

    Good luck!
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    I second the food scale. It's a necessity.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Use MFP (or a TDEE calculator) to set an appropriate calorie target for your stats. Eat to that target. Add exercise according to your other fitness goals. Maintain that plan consistently over time and adjust as you find out what works best for you in particular. Use tools like MFP, food scales, and fitness trackers to improve your accuracy. Exercise patience.
  • dynamix1
    dynamix1 Posts: 12 Member
    The first few weeks will be tough as it was for me, I'm looking to lose a lot more but once you get into the routine it does work. Just keep tabs of your food in MFP and stick with. I've lost 37 lbs in 78 days so I see the results. Good luck.
  • anorman16
    anorman16 Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome Jeff! I just started too and have a goal of 60. Best wishes to you!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    These are smart people. Totally agree with everything written here.

    I would add; Keep your expectations in check and trust the process. Weight loss is not linear. Burn more than you take in and keep your head up. It works. It really does, but at a healthy loss level, not realitytvshow numbers, real ones.

    And surround yourself with likeminded positive friends (on here as well as in your life). The support IS just like magic. I swear ! ;)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    It's a journey, not a race, so don't expect to lose it all in a short amount of time. Keep working and be patient. Remember that once you get to goal, you're not done. Weight loss and then maintenance is a life long journey. You make sustainable changes and when things don't seem to be working, make adjustments. Don't give up - you're never failing, just learning.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Time and experience are some of the best indicators of how you are doing. Start with the numbers here, and then adjust according to outcomes. I personally found the MFP set goals too low. I was hungry all the time. I was losing, but I was miserable. Added some exercise so I could eat more, and played around a bit with my macro ratios. I find that protein and fats help me feel full longer, but if I need some volume to give the full stomach sensation, but don't have many cals left, vegetables can really do the trick there. I read a lot of the information posted by the brilliant and experienced people here. Time and experience will help you find what works best for you.

    I suspect you've already learned some things today. One of my favorite posts for additional links and information is right here:

    Good luck!
  • ElviraMarieCerri
    ElviraMarieCerri Posts: 31 Member
    See a nutritionist! It was the best investment my health plan (:-) ) ever made. I went to a seminar on bariatric surgery, and the nutritionist was one of the conditions in the approval process. Never had the surgery, but to this day (almost two years later) I still follow her recommendations. I have lost enough that I might not qualify anymore for the surgery. My health and attitude toward food have improved. Logging on MFP has been essential, because it forced me to quit lying to myself ( so much). Good luck!