kiwijane12 Member


  • Maybe start by logging what you ate today so far. You may find that eating what you already eat but *less* is a good idea. Or you may find that you could change out parts of your meal for the better. If you find that you are reaching your daily calory count by 1pm, then look at what you have eaten and realise that this is…
  • I have been thinking about this on my walk. For me, I needed to think about how much I ate, of the healthy foods I did eat. All about quantity. WW was assuming I ate terribly so therefore I needed educating on what to eat. Hence railroading me into chicken and eggs and dreadful yoghurt as protein sources (and if I was…
  • Ha! And I thought it was just me! Interesting thread. I think what bothered me the most with the new WW program was last week when I was buying the expensive 1% unsweetened yoghurt that I didn't like at all and needed to put the chemical laden no sugar maple syrup on it to make it palatable. All to make it 0 points. But…