It maybe the type of exercise. I've found that certain exercises allow me to switch off completely and others take much longer or in some rare cases, not at all. I play squash - in game there's no time to think and I'm 100% switched off. I lift - 50% of the time I can still have things on my mind and as soon as the weights…
Unfortunately yes it happens. Pay little or no attention to it and move on. Instead of 'Get fit and lose friends' I see the flip side as: 'Get fit and make new friends' #Result
Band assisted pull ups helped tremendously and being able to 'lat pulldown' my own body weight made a difference. For me that's around 177 lbs, for you thats over 250 lbs so the closer you can get to that number on lat pulldown, the easier pull ups will become.
I was I managed 20 mins and then couldn't take anymore. I found it your typical quick fix mentality, so instead I'll continue to eat poorly and be overweight. I agree that online advice needs to be taken with a large pinch of salt but are we seriously saying everyone who is not plant based eats the same. No they don't, so…
Normally I gain 2 - 4 lbs after an intense weights session, as I know its water weight I think nothing off it. To ensure I have a sensible scale reading I also do a weekly average, which irons out any craziness (as and when it happens). One week is nothing in the grand scale of things. Think 3 - 6 months (if your still…
I found this transition very easy. Firstly I began by cooking the same meal at home e.g. Pasta with meatballs and substituting the meatballs for veggie sausage. The change is minimal because you're used to the taste but its veggie. Once you've done one home cooked dish then try another and I went from one veggie meal…
Walking is fine, I know someone who hates the gym and has lost loads of weight by walking and controlling her food intake. I'm the opposite and love the gym but I include walking as part of my steady state cardio routines. Crack on and make it happen.
I've done them in the past but now I haven't bothered so much. I'm more focused on using weekly pictures, a tape measure and weekly average weigh-ins as my measure. As long as my trend is downwards then I'm happy that I've got this and I'm heading in the right direction.