ErinG781 Member


  • I am not a doctor and I don't play one on tv :) My own opinion on it is, absolutely! Set goals! I'm not sure if what you want is unrealistic, but go for it! The more muscle the more weight. Cardio and strength training will help you loose your gut and build muscle at the same time (adding the desired weight). Question. Why…
  • Based on your finger/wrist test I'd be a medium frame (very slight overlap). I do have a broad frame, never had much of a waist and have a larger bust (even at my slimmest (130). I also have thin legs - ALL my extra weight goes to my stomach. I am 5'7 currently 165ish looking to get to about 140-145 depending on how I…
  • I'm in. I'm also 5'7 with 25 to lose (165lbs looking to get to 140ish)- all in the stomach... so it's all diet. Counting calories seems to be the way to be accountable. My name is Erin, feel free to add me. ErinG781