5'6-5'7 Ladies Goals



  • I'm 5'7 (or close to it). My starting weight was 297lbs and my current weight is 245lbs. My goal weight is 175lbs. Once I get there I'll see what I think. I haven't been under 200lbs since 7th grade. I'm fine with being on the curvy side for my height considering I've been large my whole life. I also have a larger frame.
  • I'm 5'6 ish and though I use to be heavier years ago, I don't find that important now. Right now I'm 253 lbs and my current goal for now is 199 by maybe 2017. My ultimate goal is to be between 130 - 145. I'm not sure what's gonna look healthy on me. I'm not sure of my frame. My fingers touch but I'd like to add my fingers are shorter than most people's my height. I'm talking my hands are the same size as my 5ft sister in law. So who the hell know with the baby hands.

    Also feel free to add me. Itd be nice to have other people around my same size to talk to.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    5.6 currently 12 stones want to lose stone
  • momoftwins985
    momoftwins985 Posts: 653 Member
    5'6, starting weight was 248 and currently 174. Goal weight about 150, but once I hit that I'm going to see how I feel and go from there. With the wrist theory, I'm large frame.
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    5'6" mediumish frame, bit heavy on top. My initial goal was 150 (started at 185), now I'm working closer to 142 (currently 146). As long as I stay between 140-150 I'm happy, though.
  • TheresaKnits
    TheresaKnits Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'7", medium build, and age 62. Years ago, I kept my weight at 130-135, but I ran and worked out a LOT. Now I look a lot better, and stay healthier, if I'm in the 145-155 range. Having worked in a geriatric setting for many years, I've found that people with just a little "cushion" tend to be healthier and bounce back from illnesses better than those on the light or heavy end of the spectrum. I think you just have to find what works best for you. Right now my goal is 155. Once there, I'll work on maintaining that for 6 months or so, then decide if I want to work on the last 10 pounds. My calorie count has to get pretty low to do that and I usually end up sick or injured.
  • princesshaylo
    princesshaylo Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'7" I currently weigh about 214 the heaviest I have ever been :( I've found I look best between 150-170. I look great at 170 as long as my fitness goals are on point (good muscle tone etc..). I'm shooting for 150 as my goal weight. I just started my meal prepping, clean eating and fitness routine today!
  • ErinG781
    ErinG781 Posts: 5 Member
    Based on your finger/wrist test I'd be a medium frame (very slight overlap). I do have a broad frame, never had much of a waist and have a larger bust (even at my slimmest (130). I also have thin legs - ALL my extra weight goes to my stomach. I am 5'7 currently 165ish looking to get to about 140-145 depending on how I loose it. I am looking at getting fit and having muscles, so with muscles I'm looking at 145-155
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    Having worked in a geriatric setting for many years, I've found that people with just a little "cushion" tend to be healthier and bounce back from illnesses better than those on the light or heavy end of the spectrum.

    Thanks, this is helpful information at my age. I will keep it in mind as I go forward.

  • titianknitter
    titianknitter Posts: 15 Member
    Yikes, first post! This thread has been super helpful... and I'm definitely looking to add some friends.

    I finished a university degree last December and went from bike commuting + walking miles a day around campus, to being unemployed, going on a long bicycle tour, having a desk job, and now being unemployed again. The bike tour was fantastic for my appetite, not so much for the numbers on the scale. I gained 20 lbs last year, for a total of 150, and want to stop this trend. Better to take off 25 lb now than 100 down the road.

    5'7", small frame, goal is 125 lb.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    I'm a bit shorter (5'5"), but still in a similar range. I'm medium frame (based on wrist test and my personal assessment). My highest weight was around 180. When I started MFP a year ago I set my goal at 155, which I reached in early November. Once there I realized I really need to drop at least another 10 to be at the optimal weight for my frame. Final goal weight now is 140-145.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    edited January 2016
    5'6.5" currently 150lbs. I'm a year plus maintainer that celebrated too much for the whole month of December ;) . Short term goal is to slim down to fit in this bridesmaids gown for April (it fits, just need just an inch of breathing room, ha). 5 or 7 lbs oughta do it.

    Long term, after the wedding, it's back to recomp. No weight goal (other than NOT less than 140 lbs), just body fat and strength goals. I wanna get to 20-22% bf.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,857 Member
    im 5'7" im shooting for 140. i started at 172, and am 167 right now. I was down to 136 but fell off the wagon, then got pregnant, so starting all over again
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    5'7" starting weight 237lbs, current 175lbs goal 160 for now. Once I get there I might reassess. I'm medium to large framed so I may be happy there but as it's at the top of the normal weight range for my height I may want some wiggle room
  • owen1826
    owen1826 Posts: 53 Member
    5'6" medium frame. Goal is 137. But might lower it to about 132. But those 5 pounds make it seem SO MUCH farther away. Lol. Or maybe I'll get to 137 and then focus on recomp.
  • 5'7, SW 205, ORIGINAL GW was 154 CW 144 and still too much belly/hip/back fat so new GW is 130!
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    5'7" ish
    medium frame

    sw 275
    cw 159.6
    gw 135-145 depending on bodyfat

    I was hovering around 145 before I got pregnant with my now 8.5 month old.
    I'm able to wear some of my pre-pregnancy clothes even though I weigh more now.
  • BetterBod91
    BetterBod91 Posts: 32 Member
    I am 5'6 159lbs with a small frame. I want to be 140-145 lbs.
  • rodeothedog
    rodeothedog Posts: 45 Member
    I am 5ft 6. Currently 209. My heaviest was 236 and I lost down to 158. I was a size 10. Looked much skinnier than 158. I have a larger frame. My goal right now is 175. But what they recomendation is 150 and I was running 5 miles eating 1400 calories amd body can not get down that low.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    5'7" with a small frame by the wrist test, but fairly broad shoulders, so maybe I'm more medium framed, but with long fingers, lol. Shooting for 140-145. That will put me at a size 6.