meglenn52 Member


  • That's really awesome, man! Very visible difference. Keep it up!
  • Oh don't worry, I'm a hot mess too haha. It's really easy for me to use everything going on in my life as an excuse to overeat or skip a workout, but I'm trying hard to make fitness more of a habit. I just started running again (after having shin splits for a year), a 30 day squat challenge, and this program called XTFMAX.…
  • I make this every once in a while, and it's so good! It looks complicated, but it only takes about 10-15 minutes to make. Loaded Veggie Grilled Cheese Sandwich INGREDIENTS This is what I used for one sandwich. Double, triple, etc. as needed 2 pieces of bread 1/2 of an avocado 1/2 of a lime 2 slices of your favorite cheese…
  • Down 1.8 pounds! This is only my second weigh-in.