stampnrobn Member


  • I love that you track that! I'm having a hard enough time tracking everything I put in my mouth along with figuring out my macros. I can't seem to get my fats and proteins right. (Don't have any problems with the calories). I'm down 13 lbs in my first 3 weeks. As I get used to using MFP I think I will try to track it!
  • Hi! I'm Robin and I started Keto January 18, 2016. I started at 360 lbs and as of Sunday I have lost 13.4 pounds. So far so good but I know I will need support on the bad days!
  • Thank you for posting. I have just started my lifestyle change journey. I started at 360 lbs a couple weeks ago. I have lost 13 lbs ( most of what I am sure is water). So far my mind is in the right place but I know this will be a long journey and I will need support along the way. Your story and pictures let me know it's…