I really like konjac noodles but only really had success with them in Asian dishes.
I've had a couple of these days recently with birthdays etc. I just logged as normal, don't see why you would need to change it? Enjoy it and have a wonderful time!
Me too!
Yeah I like my tea strong but milky! I drink HUGE mugs of it! Made it with half semi skimmed milk, half unsweetened almond milk and it was pretty good!
It seems I'm not the only tea addict here! Thanks for all the suggestions! I currently use 100ml semi skimmed milk per cup and have about 4 big mugs a day. I'm thinking I'm gonna try half almond / half dairy milk so as not to change the flavour / consistency too much .. Will let you know how I get on!
Thanks Liz, added you! X
Anyone else with similar stats?
Thanks for the replies so far! I should add you don't have to be veggie / vegan but I am especially interested in connecting with people who have similar eating habits!