kiranicoleparsons Member


  • I know which type I have I'm not stupid. Read my other comment, especially the last sentence
  • EDS is a condition that effects every part of your body including digestion and physical activity. You won't find much online because like I have said, it's not very highly studied and you have to go to a geneticist to get more information. You won't find it on Wikipedia, or any other website. With my EDS comes other…
  • Some of you are really getting on my nerves. When I say "boost" I mean how to get it more "normal". I don't mean "Hey! How do I magically loose 10 pounds by working out one time?" and when I say my metabolism is as slow as someone twice my age, I mean it's really freaking weird. I have a medical condition called EDS and it…
  • Metabolisms do slow down. They don't stop but they slow down. That is why it is harder for older people to loose weight. I'm 18 but have a medical issue that slows it down like someone twice my age.
  • Sorry auto correct, meat