Struggling with self-esteem

Hi everyone. I'm 18 years old, 5'2 and weigh 163 pound. I have a genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlose Syndrome. I have gained about 30 pound in a year And a whole 60 in 3. I gained 3 pounds last week and it tore me up inside to the point of crying my eyes out for hours. I need results. I don't eat many vegetables so I stated drinking v8, I started drinking green tea with lemon (because green tea boost metabolism and lemon burns fat) and I started eating small portions instead of eating when I feel like it. I started using the 'my plate' portion guide for meet and started watching my calories and especially carbs because if you don't move much like me, you won't use those carbs. I just want to know what did you do to see real results and is there anything else I can do better?


  • Sorry auto correct, meat
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    First of all, you have to get your self esteem up. Nobody here can do it other than trying to cheer you on. You are as beautiful as you feel, and you need to start feeling beautiful. I weight nearly 200 pounds more than my "correct" weight and my self esteem is sky high because I want it to be. Love yourself, then everyone else will fall in line.

    As far as tips:

    - Buy a food scale and use it religiously! You need to know exactly how much you're putting in your body. If you "guesstimate" you will be wrong 100% of the time.
    - Log everything you eat. Don't get in the mindset that you can only log sometimes. You need to have a history of what you eat to help you know what your triggers may be, know what you are lacking, etc.
    - Don't give up just because you go over. Make up for it during the week or just take it as a lesson and move on. Bumps in the road will happen, this is not a straight line
    - You are accountable for you. Everyone here can push you, but if you aren't honest with yourself, it won't matter what anyone else does.
    - PERSONALLY: Calories In vs Calories Out (CICO) is the way to lose weight. Anyone who says you HAVE to eat clean, low carb, keto, etc. are fooling you. While they may lose weight faster, it is not something you can normally stick with. Science has proven that CICO is how you lose or gain weight. So eat that pizza, eat that burger, don't force yourself to have salad every single day. Eat the way you want to live your life, just learn to do it in moderation.

    Good luck to you and add me if you like (as well as anyone else)