dkh2006 Member


  • Hi everybody! My name is Diane, I am 45. I have struggled with my weight all my life. In 8th grade my dad was transferred to Texas and wanting to be accepted by my peers went on a crash diet, lost 60 lbs in 2 months and became anorexic. Now I struggle with controlling what I eat and have bloomed to 302 lbs as of my weigh…
  • Great Job! My sister and I are trying this again. We are watching what we eat, tracking everything on myfitnesspal and trying to motivate each other the best we can since we are in different states. The problem I have is exercising. it is so hard for me to get started. I am an insurance agent so sit at a desk all day so…
  • My name is Diane and I'm 45. I have been struggling with my weight all my life and need all the support I can get.