jaynizat Member


  • I've not seen a Strawberry and Cream green tea, I'll have to look out for that one, it sounds delicious.
  • It is true that you do get used to things if you stick with them for a while. It took me a while 'getting into' green tea, but now I enjoy them. I also drink them quite weak..otherwise they can be a bit bitter.
  • Yes it certainly is odd how peoples taste differ, but what a strange world it would be if we were all alike☺
  • I also like nettle tea, when it was first mentioned to me, I was a bit unsure, but it is very nice. I also drink lots of fruit teas, but I haven't checked yet what the calories are in them.
  • I did ask what she meant. I was told I'm not drinking enough, and my kidneys need flushing out more. She told me to avoid tea ( normal tea that is) and coffee, and to try to drink more water, she added on that green tea would help to flushout.
  • I've not tried Asian green tea. I'm not keen on earl grey green tea. But the rest I love. I do actually find the flavoured ones quite refreshing. I hope you enjoy all of them!
  • I agree about water, and I do drink 4 pints daily, But green tea for me is a better option than coffee.
  • Thank you jmanning28 for your comment. As I previously said just the basic green tea I find unpalatable. But there are quite a few added flavours to the basic now. I also like green tea with mint.
  • I had an NHS Health check. My blood results stated my kidneys were borderline. I asked the nurse what that meant, She basically said you need to drink more to flush them out.
  • OK point taken.. my apologises!
  • The conversation I had was with a nurse. I was asking 'random people' on the internet, their opinion on green tea as a drink as part of a calorie controlled diet. Your reply seems slightly hostile. I was only asking opinions!
  • Well I think what was meant by telling me it ' detoxes' is basically you go to the loo more. So yes the word detox has certainly lost its true meaning!
  • Well with me although weight loss, is the ultimate goal. My cholesterol is high, and my kidneys are ' borderline' meaning they need ' flushing' out more. It was mentioned I try green tea. The plain green tea is not at all palatable, but green tea with pineapple etc is amazingly quite pleasant. I am on a calorie controlled…
  • Hiya, I'm hoping to make this year my ' life changing' year. I'd like to be able to lose 60lb +, also lower my cholesterol, and my blood pressure. So I have one big mountain to climb. I'd love company on the way. Please add me !
  • Again thank you all so much. As I said I hurt my back at work last week. Moving about slowly helped.. it was laying down or just standing still that caused me more pain. So I'm still in 'get up and go mode' only not quite as quickly.. I am ' amazingly' enjoying my food.. I have started drinking more water, which I should…
  • Thank you all very much, all your comments are so helpful. My main problem at the moment is I am very motivated, but I've hurt my back, I'm still working and walking to work, but I really can't do added exercise. I keep telling myself, this is only tempory .. but its so frustrating!
  • Thank you all very much. I'm sure reading other peoples stories on here will help me. It's early days yet, but I'm thinking new year, new me!!
  • I'm new on here and need all the support I can get. I need to change my eating habits for life. Please add me.