How do I stay motivated?

I have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high bmi. So I do realise that I need to change my lifestyle!. I have three physical jobs, and walk to them all. I'm just concerned I will not be able to stay motivated. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Anything knowledge based can be learned, but when it comes from motivation, that is personal for everybody. You have to decide how important things are to you and prioritize. Nobody else can tell you how to get motivated or stay motivated. That you have to figure out for yourself.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Once you see the weight coming off, the motivation will continue. Then as your energy level increases, you get more motivation. Reading the success stories here are also motivating. I also find that a good group here on MFP can be motivating because their successes motivate me.
    It's a life-style change that motivates you as you go forward. You can do this.
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Once you see the weight coming off, the motivation will continue. Then as your energy level increases, you get more motivation. Reading the success stories here are also motivating. I also find that a good group here on MFP can be motivating because their successes motivate me.
    It's a life-style change that motivates you as you go forward. You can do this.

    ^^^ This.

    Also, I found reading the success stories on MFP a real motivation boost
  • jaynizat
    jaynizat Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all very much. I'm sure reading other peoples stories on here will help me. It's early days yet, but I'm thinking new year, new me!!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Start slow so that you don't overwhelm yourself with changes. That leads to frustration. Change one or two things, keep them going for a week or two, then add another one or two changes. Keep working towards the ideal in slow steps.
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    jaynizat wrote: »
    Thank you all very much. I'm sure reading other peoples stories on here will help me. It's early days yet, but I'm thinking new year, new me!!

    We are all here to help. We are, or have been, on this journey. You will have days of pure frustration, where you hit a plateau and you want to throw in the towel because it's easier. When you have days like this, look in the mirror and say "I will conquer this!". I had to do that the other day when I badly bruised my little toe and couldn't go for a run.

    On the flip side, you will get "swooshes", where the plateau is broken and you find yourself 1-2kg lighter. Clothes will be looser; rings will be bigger; your body looks and feels more and more toned; your loved one will say "Wow! You've lost weight and you're looking great!". Those are the days I cherish, because I know my hard work is paying off!

    However, most importantly, your doctor will say to you "Wow! Your cholesterol is normal, your blood pressure is normal and your bmi is normal. You've done awesome! Keep it up jaynizat!".

  • jaynizat
    jaynizat Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all very much, all your comments are so helpful. My main problem at the moment is I am very motivated, but I've hurt my back, I'm still working and walking to work, but I really can't do added exercise. I keep telling myself, this is only tempory .. but its so frustrating!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Walking is the best exercise, so don't fret. Maybe add a walk after work? Most of weight loss is portion control (not overeating). Exercise is for health; not weight loss. You can still lose weight while you heal, then work on including exercise. Heal first. You're doing great.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Exercise is great, but it can't erase a poor diet. Concentrate on what you can do. Get a meal/game plan together.... and write it all down. I find that I stay on track when I've cooked a few meals ahead of time, have a few pieces of fruit on the counter for snacks and I eat vegetables at nearly every meal. Nothing worse than coming home hungry without any idea about dinner. You don't have to overhaul everything at once, small steps add up! And, fyi, this process never will change, but it never ends. Good luck!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    You need motivation to get started, but it always comes and goes. You need something else to keep going.

    Have a read:
  • bubbajoe1066
    bubbajoe1066 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in the same boat.... very physical i mean very...i own and operate a 50 horse stables and i'm chief cook and bottle washer... very heavy lifting ,a lot of walking.. but my eating habits were terrible... after i quit smoking 15 years ago i packed on the pounds... i thought my job was enough but all the great exercise i get on the job is null and void because of what i ate after my job was done....100 lbs to lose...just over a week ago i got myself hooked up with a fitbit charge and joined here...i stopped all added salt and sugar cut out most of the carbs, logged every morsel of food i eat and started walking....i have a very bad back .knees.. but i make myself move... believe it or not... the walking helped..just logged in 26 miles... lost 5 lbs and it feels great... you can do this. .. if i can ..anyone can. Seriously evaluate what you eat.. log every bite..every single mouthful of food and do your best to keep with in or better yet under the daily calories and just add a little more movement to your daily work routine... its a lifestyle change not a diet... i had to get that into my thick head... its not a diet... its not a diet... its a lifestyle change... and i HAVE TO MAKE THAT CHANGE ... Don't give up ..don't give in
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Motivation is overrated. People think it's a magical state we're anointed with when it's a decision based on making something a priority in ones life and not expecting to be perfect.
  • jaynizat
    jaynizat Posts: 20 Member
    Again thank you all so much. As I said I hurt my back at work last week. Moving about slowly helped.. it was laying down or just standing still that caused me more pain. So I'm still in 'get up and go mode' only not quite as quickly.. I am ' amazingly' enjoying my food.. I have started drinking more water, which I should have done years ago. I am annoyed with myself that I've let my body down as such..but as the Nurse told me when I had my health check. She said " When you work all day, you sit down in the evening and finally relax, and you feel you deserve your little treats, you feel you've earned them" . I guess this kind of summed how I felt. I guess I used food as a comfort .. It's going to be very life changing for me. But I so look forward to getting healthy!