meggic Member


  • Yes. I've had them and I stay in ketosis. Just grab 1 or 2 and put the bag away. It's easy to over indulge. And don't eat them every day. It should be an occasional treat.
  • The carbs in sugar free candies are usually from Sugar Alcohols, which don't impact blood sugar like sugar does. I have one now and then and stay in ketosis. If you like to bake, there are tons of keto recipes online for various fudge, mug cake, mousse, etc. My favorite sugar substitute is erythritol because it has a sweet…
  • Been on low carb since 2013. Started real Keto 1/4/16 and down 13.5 pounds since then. Very passionate about my hatred towards sugar. Also love to CrossFit. My diary is open and I've logged every day since starting MFP on 1/4. Feel free to add me for support :-)
  • I try to IF on days I don't work out, except I do drink a cup of bulletproof coffee on the mornings I fast. Then I try to pack in 1000-1300 calories or so into 12pm-8pm. I've been doing this for 5 weeks and the scale keeps moving down, so whether it actually helps or not, I'm happy with it. I have read that IF is not as…
  • @_Terrapin_ Are you for real? Do you really not know that your body can burn muscle tissue as fuel? And yes, I agree you can minimize that by combating it with strength training simultaneously in order to sustain muscle mass. (Or you can adopt Keto... oh wait, I won't go there again...) [edited by mfp mod]
  • and by burning muscle
  • @thorsmom01 No, there is nothing wrong with a clementine. That is fructose (the natural sugar found in fruit). But the answer really isn't that simple. It's based on your goals as well as what you just at that clementine with, your activity levels, your genetics, and so forth. I won't go into detail because I'd just be…
  • You guys are entitled to your own opinions. Not really here for arguing, but to plant the seed that there are other lifestyles out there. We're all built differently and as long as what you do works for you, that is great. I do want to suggest however that if you're going to say there is no such thing as a sugar addiction,…
  • @OMP33 My diary is open to my friends :-) Yes, plant foods are wonderful for you. Agreed. But you still need fat. And as I said, the common media has a ridiculous amount of information to stray you away from fat. I'm aware of such articles but I don't have 40 hours to waste giving my full rebuttal. Let's just agree that…
  • @OMP33 We don't have to keep arguing. If you're happy with your lifestyle that is great. However, as others have said, do some research before you start spreading advice that can actually kill them. This is a fun movie to watch, and it's funny yet informative. It's a good place to start.
  • This is a great example of being severely misinformed about how fat acts in regards to nutrition. You ABSOLUTELY have to eat fat to lose fat. Fat that you eat doesn't turn into body fat.... Carbs do! There are thousands of studies and evidence to prove this. Processed carbs spike glucose levels, and then what is not used…
  • You can absolutely hit those numbers. You can lose fat and build muscle. Is it easy? Hell no, but there are ways. I've done it and so can you. I know you mentioned not wanting to try Paleo, but a great alternative and less restrictive lifestyle is Keto. This goes against the masses, and I'm sure someone will try to call me…
  • For decades, we've been tricked in to believing Low fat is good, grains are good, and sugar does no harm. It's understandable that you have this fear because the opposite of this science is constantly thrown in your face in order for sugar and carb producing companies to keep their profits high (take for example, Kelloggs,…