High vs. Low carbs



  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    neohdiver wrote: »
    OMP33 wrote: »
    Nah I'll stick to my high carb and continue to weigh 153 lbs and have the energy to bike 1+ hours everyday.

    Google low carb athletes.
    OMP33 wrote: »
    carbs are the best source of energy and they burn off quick! high carb low fat all the way :D

    Thank you!! Finally I see a person who understands HCLF, I haven't seen one yet besides you!

    I've only seen one person in this thread that has said HCLF doesn't work. No one else is making blanket statements about HCLF diets.

    You, in contrast, have been making blanket statements about LC diets, a diet your comments demonstrate you know nothing about. We have been correcting those false statements about as fast as you can make them.

    Aside from one person in this thread, you have no basis to decide whether any of the rest of us understand HCLF or not, or whether we believe it is appropriate for some people.

    Yes there are low carb atheletes! Do they WIN? No. Kenyans are some of the fastest people on earth and tell me what they eat. Grains, sugar, and corn. All carbs.
  • meggic
    meggic Posts: 14 Member
    My diary is open to my friends :-)
    Yes, plant foods are wonderful for you. Agreed. But you still need fat.
    And as I said, the common media has a ridiculous amount of information to stray you away from fat. I'm aware of such articles but I don't have 40 hours to waste giving my full rebuttal.
    Let's just agree that sugar is bad.
    Have a nice day and good luck with your nutritional goals.
  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    meggic wrote: »
    We don't have to keep arguing. If you're happy with your lifestyle that is great. However, as others have said, do some research before you start spreading advice that can actually kill them.

    This is a fun movie to watch, and it's funny yet informative. It's a good place to start.

    More studies incase the people in the back didn't hear.


    More to come if you really want them ;)
  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    meggic wrote: »
    My diary is open to my friends :-)
    Yes, plant foods are wonderful for you. Agreed. But you still need fat.
    And as I said, the common media has a ridiculous amount of information to stray you away from fat. I'm aware of such articles but I don't have 40 hours to waste giving my full rebuttal.
    Let's just agree that sugar is bad.
    Have a nice day and good luck with your nutritional goals.

    I am your friend? No, open it to the public.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    meggic wrote: »
    OMP33 wrote: »
    Please continue high carb, why eat fat to lose fat? It's absurd. Keep sticking to your carb load because you'll need the energy throughout the day no matter what you're doing to get it done.

    This is a great example of being severely misinformed about how fat acts in regards to nutrition. You ABSOLUTELY have to eat fat to lose fat. Fat that you eat doesn't turn into body fat.... Carbs do! There are thousands of studies and evidence to prove this. Processed carbs spike glucose levels, and then what is not used (most of it) is immediately stored as fat. Why do you think you love carbs so much? Because it's actually a sugar addiction. This is why we all are struggling...

    It's not your fault though. The media and government is constantly giving you terrible advice and trying to trick us into eating more grains and sugar for their own gains. You're an example of a success of theirs.


    Also you don't understand how cholesterol works either. Cholesterol issues happen when you eat constant processed carbs (bread, pasta, etc) in conjunction with high fat. It's not the fatty meats that are the problem, it's the breads. These create a constant state of inflammation in your body with wreaks havoc on your health.

    I eat super fatty cuts of meat every day and I have great cholesterol levels. What I don't eat, is processed carbs or sugar.

    This woo is actually even more incorrect than the things OMP has been saying, sorry. He's wrong, but so are you. Yes, fat is necessary in the diet, but you don't have to eat it to lose weight (it just helps you be healthier as it's necessary for some bodily functions). Carbs don't turn into body fat either though, if you eat them at maintenance or deficit amounts. They only do that if you eat them in excess, but guess what? Fat and protein will be stored as fat if you eat them in excess, too! Unprocessed carbs also spike glucose levels. So does protein. It's not actually a big deal. Carbs are not 'immediately stored as fat'. That's - for lack of a better word - nonsense. If you're eating at maintenance calories or at deficit calories, it doesn't matter if you're eating carbs, fat or protein. It doesn't even matter if you're eating pure sugar. You won't gain weight. You'll be very unhealthy though, since you wouldn't be getting the right nutrients. There's also no such thing as a 'sugar addiction', sorry.
    I'm not even going to justify the rest of what you wrote with an answer, because it strays into tin-foil hat territory.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OMP33 wrote: »
    meggic wrote: »
    We don't have to keep arguing. If you're happy with your lifestyle that is great. However, as others have said, do some research before you start spreading advice that can actually kill them.

    This is a fun movie to watch, and it's funny yet informative. It's a good place to start.

    More studies incase the people in the back didn't hear.


    More to come if you really want them ;)
    Ah, disqus. Now it makes sense. Interesting conversations people have on there.

  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    meggic wrote: »
    OMP33 wrote: »
    Please continue high carb, why eat fat to lose fat? It's absurd. Keep sticking to your carb load because you'll need the energy throughout the day no matter what you're doing to get it done.

    This is a great example of being severely misinformed about how fat acts in regards to nutrition. You ABSOLUTELY have to eat fat to lose fat. Fat that you eat doesn't turn into body fat.... Carbs do! There are thousands of studies and evidence to prove this. Processed carbs spike glucose levels, and then what is not used (most of it) is immediately stored as fat. Why do you think you love carbs so much? Because it's actually a sugar addiction. This is why we all are struggling...

    It's not your fault though. The media and government is constantly giving you terrible advice and trying to trick us into eating more grains and sugar for their own gains. You're an example of a success of theirs.


    Also you don't understand how cholesterol works either. Cholesterol issues happen when you eat constant processed carbs (bread, pasta, etc) in conjunction with high fat. It's not the fatty meats that are the problem, it's the breads. These create a constant state of inflammation in your body with wreaks havoc on your health.

    I eat super fatty cuts of meat every day and I have great cholesterol levels. What I don't eat, is processed carbs or sugar.

    This woo is actually even more incorrect than the things OMP has been saying, sorry. He's wrong, but so are you. Yes, fat is necessary in the diet, but you don't have to eat it to lose weight (it just helps you be healthier as it's necessary for some bodily functions). Carbs don't turn into body fat either though, if you eat them at maintenance or deficit amounts. They only do that if you eat them in excess, but guess what? Fat and protein will be stored as fat if you eat them in excess, too! Unprocessed carbs also spike glucose levels. So does protein. It's not actually a big deal. Carbs are not 'immediately stored as fat'. That's - for lack of a better word - nonsense. If you're eating at maintenance calories or at deficit calories, it doesn't matter if you're eating carbs, fat or protein. It doesn't even matter if you're eating pure sugar. You won't gain weight. You'll be very unhealthy though, since you wouldn't be getting the right nutrients. There's also no such thing as a 'sugar addiction', sorry.
    I'm not even going to justify the rest of what you wrote with an answer, because it strays into tin-foil hat territory.

    Carb up
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    meggic wrote: »
    This is a great example of being severely misinformed about how fat acts in regards to nutrition. You ABSOLUTELY have to eat fat to lose fat. Fat that you eat doesn't turn into body fat.... Carbs do!

    That's incorrect. While an excess of carbs (or proteins) can indeed form body fat, dietary fat can also be stored as body fat as well. Your body has no way of knowing or caring whether a fatty acid molecule came across the intestinal wall or was manufactured by your body from carbohydrates or amino acids. It can manufacture triglycerides from either source.

    A caloric surplus leads to an accumulation of body fat, regardless of what types of macronutrients that surplus comes from.

    This !!!
    Eating carbs dos not mean they will instantly store as fat ! A calorie surplus causes weight gain . I could eat carbs all day and still lose weight as long as I was at a calorie deficit.
  • PearBlossom9
    PearBlossom9 Posts: 136 Member
    edited February 2016
    OMP33 wrote: »
    Please continue high carb, why eat fat to lose fat? It's absurd. Keep sticking to your carb load because you'll need the energy throughout the day no matter what you're doing to get it done.

    It isn't absurd and you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Fat makes you feel full. You do not need carbs to exclusively fuel you. You also don't need to eat a ton of fat, just enough to make you feel full.

    There are plenty of people that subscribe to lower fat, lower carb, and higher protein. The fact that you do not know this just proves you don't know what you are talking about.
    OMP33 wrote: »
    Low carb diets are not successful in the long run, people only use them to lose weight.

    Completely ignorant. Tons of people are happy on a low carb diet for the long haul. You just seem to be making up assumptions.

    People who deal with depression and other mental health issues often do wonderful on this lifestyle. The original Keto (LCHF) diet was useful for people who suffered from seizures. It's interesting to note that a lot of mood stabilizers are also anti seizure medications. Similar areas in the brain but with different disorders.

    You do need to find something that works for you. But, please don't be dissuaded by low carb based on the incorrect opinions of someone who opposes it.

    OMP33 wrote: »
    Yes there are low carb atheletes! Do they WIN? No. Kenyans are some of the fastest people on earth and tell me what they eat. Grains, sugar, and corn. All carbs.

    Apples and oranges. A lot more goes into it than what someone eats. DNA, for one. Also, nobody here is trying to be a world class athlete.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    meggic wrote: »
    My diary is open to my friends :-)
    Yes, plant foods are wonderful for you. Agreed. But you still need fat.
    And as I said, the common media has a ridiculous amount of information to stray you away from fat. I'm aware of such articles but I don't have 40 hours to waste giving my full rebuttal.
    Let's just agree that sugar is bad.
    Have a nice day and good luck with your nutritional goals.

    Why would sugar be bad if consumed in moderation? So the Clementine that I just ate is bad for me ?! ( no )
  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    OMP33 wrote: »
    Please continue high carb, why eat fat to lose fat? It's absurd. Keep sticking to your carb load because you'll need the energy throughout the day no matter what you're doing to get it done.

    It isn't absurd and you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Fat makes you feel full. You do not need carbs to exclusively fuel you. You also don't need to eat a ton of fat, just enough to make you feel full.

    There are plenty of people that subscribe to lower fat, lower carb, and higher protein. The fact that you do not know this just proves you don't know what you are talking about.
    OMP33 wrote: »
    Low carb diets are not successful in the long run, people only use them to lose weight.

    Completely ignorant. Tons of people are happy on a low carb diet for the long haul. You just seem to be making up assumptions.

    People who deal with depression and other mental health issues often do wonderful on this lifestyle. The original Keto (LCHF) diet was useful for people who suffered from seizures. It's interesting to note that a lot of mood stabilizers are also anti seizure medications. Similar areas in the brain but with different disorders.

    You do need to find something that works for you. But, please don't be dissuaded by low carb based on the incorrect opinions of someone who opposes it.

    When I say long run, I do not mean a year. I mean 10-20 years.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I love it when 2 woo supporters argue with each other.

    OT - OP, a caloric deficit will help with losing body fat.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    It isn't absurd and you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Fat makes you feel full. You do not need carbs to exclusively fuel you. You also don't need to eat a ton of fat, just enough to make you feel full.

    Studies on satiety typically find that for most people, fat is the least sating macronutrient, with protein being the most and carbohydrates in between.

    The actual factors that tend to best predict satiety are:
    1. High protein foods are sating
    2. High fiber foods are sating
    3. Low energy density foods are sating

    Neither carbs nor fat seem to really have a separate effect apart from their contributions to energy density. Fat's low satiety tends to be because of its high energy density.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I love it when 2 woo supporters argue with each other.

    OT - OP, a caloric deficit will help with losing body fat.

    It is making a slow entertaining...sort of. Reminds me of the Kardashians arguing over who can bare the most skin and keep people coming to them.

  • meggic
    meggic Posts: 14 Member
    You guys are entitled to your own opinions. Not really here for arguing, but to plant the seed that there are other lifestyles out there. We're all built differently and as long as what you do works for you, that is great.
    I do want to suggest however that if you're going to say there is no such thing as a sugar addiction, then how about trying to cut all sugar out cold turkey for several weeks and seeing how you react? And by sugar I mean breads and pastas as well.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    ok what i want to know is why someone who is saying carbs are the answer yet says that people should eat grains,veggies and fruits and then their diary contains little to no fruits and veggies on most days and most of it is processed carbs and cereal? sorry but I dont think that you should tell people to eat the "healthier" carbs and to avoid the junk food(processed carbs" yet you are doing just that. dont preach to the choir unless you have your sermon in check.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    meggic wrote: »
    You guys are entitled to your own opinions. Not really here for arguing, but to plant the seed that there are other lifestyles out there. We're all built differently and as long as what you do works for you, that is great.
    I do want to suggest however that if you're going to say there is no such thing as a sugar addiction, then how about trying to cut all sugar out cold turkey for several weeks and seeing how you react? And by sugar I mean breads and pastas as well.

    I read about a study suggesting fat addiction. Guess what? Your body needs both. Good luck avoiding them. And, being here for 3 plus years I think every diet has been reviewed by many. From 80-10-10 to 5-20-75 and everything in between. I'm not going to argue about butter or sugar. I eat both. My health is fine.

  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    ok what i want to know is why someone who is saying carbs are the answer yet says that people should eat grains,veggies and fruits and then their diary contains little to no fruits and veggies on most days and most of it is processed carbs and cereal? sorry but I dont think that you should tell people to eat the "healthier" carbs and to avoid the junk food(processed carbs" yet you are doing just that. dont preach to the choir unless you have your sermon in check.

    Explain why I eat unprocessed carbs and still weigh 153 lbs then. Carbs are carbs.
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    LCHF < HA > HCLF. That's right. The other, other macro.
  • meggic
    meggic Posts: 14 Member
    No, there is nothing wrong with a clementine. That is fructose (the natural sugar found in fruit). But the answer really isn't that simple. It's based on your goals as well as what you just at that clementine with, your activity levels, your genetics, and so forth. I won't go into detail because I'd just be berated for it.