My ninja blender. I make the most yummy fruit/veggie smoothies. My ninja turns ice cubes into snow in mere seconds.
absolutely! I want credit for every single ounce lost. My scale even weighs me to the nearest 1/10 of a pound!
I wasn't in menopause on Christmas morning. According to some labs I recently had done my one remaining ovary (I lost my left ovary to a twisted ovary ten years ago) is fully functional. But by Christmas day afternoon 2015 (yes just two weeks ago) I was instantly thrown into surgical menopause. When I had my left ovary…
I'm 5'8 and In the last 3 months I've lost 34 lbs. and my intake is roughly 2000 calories a day.
Whatever works for you!!! Thats the right plan. I never cared for WEight watchers myself. The only thing it did was introduce me to starvation.