shank3r Member


  • I didn't want to throw my wife's weight number out there out of respect for her, to be honest I don't even know the actual # anymore, nor does it even matter. I take fault for where we're at (the both of us) due to things I've said in frustration. I've repented (which the real meaning is to permanently change). My weight…
  • I'm working 14/14 (I'm a mud engineer)
  • Thanks for the input....she is on some type of either an anxiety or depression med...I don't ask because that's another sensitive subject. For those of you who misinterpreted a few words of my first post, it's about being healthy and active and being able to participate in a way with the family that brings happiness. I've…
  • I finally fell asleep last night, woke up feeling BAAAAD.....called an M.D. buddy and he said take it easy today, sip on fluids, 2 waters per electrolyte replacement, and to take the day off....he said that a bag or two of IV fluids would have had me recovered almost immediately but to take today off.
  • wow....well...uh...having been one of those who have been thru lots of sessions with my Psychiatrist, I've learned that in order to combat my triggers, that I have to be brutally honest with the fact that I have a problem. I've also learned thru my fat friends and work-out partners, that we're all fat for a reason, it's…
  • If your profile pic is a recent photo of you at 50, I only hope I'm lucky enough to look as good as you in 14 more years when I'm 50! Fit & Healthy is such a great goal rather than some arbitrary scale number. Eating right and exercise is what's been helping me. I got tired of walking and started riding a bike, I worked up…
  • Don't we all have eating disorders? I've gotten fat twice now because of what I'd consider eating disorders. I dropped 90lbs in 8 months (while taking phentermine and averaging 700 calories day for months on end) When I was 29, over 5 years I gained it back and for the last year I've been exercising and trying to eat…
  • losing that much weight in a month is a lot unless you're taking phentermine as an appetite suppressant (I Used to). Go you! And don't believe any of the *kitten* you read online from people bragging about weight loss unless progress pics are included. The next step is to not give a f*** what *other* people are doing (or…
  • I may be parenting all wrong, but my son is 6 years old and even though he's got a chunky face, he's skinny. I've been teaching him that it's all about moderation. A piece of cake is fine, just don't eat a huge piece and dessert isn't an everyday thing. I've got him to where he snacks on fruit & vegetables. Almost every…
  • If you're eating right and exercising 3x/week and you've lost 20lbs...All I know to say is congratulations! Lots of so-called weight loss experts believe that slowly loosing increases the chances of it staying off for good. I'd imagine with your exercise that you're at a-lot better cardiovascular fitness level than 12…