jmattmacd79 Member


  • Get a hrm so you can see the results you cant see directly - the calorie burn. That way when you are halfway through the warmup and feel like you already need to throwup you can see right there on your phone or wrist that you can take a little rest, let the heart rate drop a zone then get back up into it as soon as you can…
  • Dont do it barefoot, get a hard foam roller and work your calves (loads of videos on youtube). Dont get an amazing super expensive roller, a £10 thing will do.
  • Sounds like a tragedy.
  • I have been told I sometimes sing along to my music when I'm on the treadmill (earphones), I don't know how long I had been doing it before someone told me. Or how loudly. I like quite "up" music when I'm running to take my mind off it, like pop and showtunes. (If you have ever been next to a 183 pound gentlemen with a big…
  • Weigh em and count it as calories out.
  • Weights first. You are trying to build up muscle which means you are working to tear the muscle then have it repair, causing the muscle to grow (hypertrophy). You want to be looking at doing sets of 2-6 reps of 80-90% your 1 rep maximum to optimise this effect, which is going to be extremely difficult to do after half an…
  • Get the squat part of your squat right first, you can do some barless box squats at home with a kettle bell, then a broom handle then an empty bar. IE introduce one component at a time - squat, then arms, then weight.
  • Hi, I have a microsoft band 2. Once you have run with it with its internal gps turned on so it can calibrate your heart rate zones, stride length and vo2 max I've found it quite accurate. I tested it alongside my polar strap for a few exercises (weights, running outdoors, cycling, treadmill and static bike (last two to see…