Embarrassed myself at the gym



  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    One of the first gym classes I ever took was a yoga class with a friend. I had no idea at the time that certain poses helped, erm, relieve people of gas, and the polite thing to do is just ignore it when it happens.

    Being the young sprat that I was, all things flatulence related were hilarious. By the time the third or fourth person farted in a particular pose, my friend and I shaking with laughter. Said shaking caused my friend to fart, we both fell over laughing, and had to leave the class for disruption. I never went back to that class.

    Although on second thought, the way I'm still giggling remembering that class, I still think all things flatulence related are hilarious. Except when my husband attempts to dutch oven me :s
  • jmattmacd79
    jmattmacd79 Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 2016
    I have been told I sometimes sing along to my music when I'm on the treadmill (earphones), I don't know how long I had been doing it before someone told me. Or how loudly. I like quite "up" music when I'm running to take my mind off it, like pop and showtunes. (If you have ever been next to a 183 pound gentlemen with a big beard singing barbie girl or glee with sweating away on a treadmill I apologise)
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    When I was new in the gym I was unloading a bar which had 3*20kg plates on either side. I learned a valuable lesson about unloading the plates alternating sides. I took off 2 from the one side and watched in horror as the bar tipped the other way and crashed to the floor. Noone was in the way to get hurt, but there were enough ppl in there staring at me afterwards!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Ok, so I'm writing on here basically because I am so embarrassed to tell anyone I know personally.
    So I've been working out The gym again for about 6 months. 2 months ago I finally gained the courage to go into the weight side of the gym, it's a military gym so it is quite intimidating. Today I decided to use the squat rack for the 2nd time, instead of the smith machine, for my squats. I used the squat rack wrong, as the levers weren't on it and I used the deadlift portion to put the weight down and lift it back up, ultimately I could have hurt myself. A guy came up to help me set it up properly. Really nice of him. However, now I am just so embarrassed, like I don't even want to set foot in the gym again. How am I supposed to build my confidence back up ? I feel like such an idiot lol

    From my perspective, if I saw what you described above happen, I would have a lot of respect for the fact that you tried; even though you failed, you are way ahead of people who never leave their comfort zone. The best advice I have is to go back and do it again, using proper form, and move on!
  • jesscran815
    jesscran815 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't have a weight lifting one, but when I worked near our company headquarters, we got a pass into the company gym (free!) and I couldn't figure out how to leave. They had put the badge out scanner on a pillar and when I walked out of the women's locker room it was on the opposite side and I couldn't see it. I had to ask the ladies in the office how to get out...The next day I saw a sign on the door telling people how to get out and I couldn't help but think it was because of me. :D
  • lizwrites1313
    lizwrites1313 Posts: 160 Member
    I fell off the treadmill.
  • getsweaty123go
    getsweaty123go Posts: 53 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    kristib12 wrote: »
    I didn't know what the bosu ball was for and stood on it the wrong way with no coordination. I fell off and did a rolly polly across the floor. I laughed my *kitten* off while sprawled on the ground, then got up and gave it another go.. still the wrong way.. wasn't until I saw someone on it that I realized, lol
    It helped that I was with my daughter and embarrassing her way more than myself, hahaha (evil but funny)

    You can use the Bosu ball both ways. Bosu stands for Both Sides Up/Utilized. So you didn't use it wrong, you just didn't have the balance for that side, lol.

    Oh yeah, that was about 1 1/2 years ago when I didn't know it was a Bosu ball, it was the "half-round thingie".. haha
  • getsweaty123go
    getsweaty123go Posts: 53 Member
    Ok, so I'm writing on here basically because I am so embarrassed to tell anyone I know personally.
    So I've been working out The gym again for about 6 months. 2 months ago I finally gained the courage to go into the weight side of the gym, it's a military gym so it is quite intimidating. Today I decided to use the squat rack for the 2nd time, instead of the smith machine, for my squats. I used the squat rack wrong, as the levers weren't on it and I used the deadlift portion to put the weight down and lift it back up, ultimately I could have hurt myself. A guy came up to help me set it up properly. Really nice of him. However, now I am just so embarrassed, like I don't even want to set foot in the gym again. How am I supposed to build my confidence back up ? I feel like such an idiot lol

    I totally get it. I still struggle to go into the 'guys side'.. which is what it feels like, even though I know it's not and it's not their fault. Some gyms have more women too or just a more casual atmosphere.. I can only imagine how intimidating a military gym would be! I reckon you have to get right back on the horse and go back while it's still fresh in your mind and you will know what not to do next time :-)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ok, so I'm writing on here basically because I am so embarrassed to tell anyone I know personally.
    So I've been working out The gym again for about 6 months. 2 months ago I finally gained the courage to go into the weight side of the gym, it's a military gym so it is quite intimidating. Today I decided to use the squat rack for the 2nd time, instead of the smith machine, for my squats. I used the squat rack wrong, as the levers weren't on it and I used the deadlift portion to put the weight down and lift it back up, ultimately I could have hurt myself. A guy came up to help me set it up properly. Really nice of him. However, now I am just so embarrassed, like I don't even want to set foot in the gym again. How am I supposed to build my confidence back up ? I feel like such an idiot lol

    Dude, seriously? You think THAT'S embarrassing yourself at the gym? Go on YouTube and look up some embarrassing gym videos. You'll feel much better.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    IF everyone stopped doing something because of an embarrassing moment, nobody would be doing any activity what so ever.

  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    If I had a nickel...

    I can't tell you how many times I've used equipment incorrectly or seen others. Everyone does it. Just laugh it off and head on back.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Once I was looking for some weights for my bar and I actually took one off a bar some guy was about to bench press. His eyes nearly popped out of his head!! Hilarious!

    This is the best ever!!!! lollll :D
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    I started looking up YouTube videos on how to use some machines correctly and got 100% side tracked by gym fails. This thread made me laugh so hard!

    I've hit the emergency stop button on the treadmill and kept running... into the front of the machine. I just kinda bounced off, stumbled, and started up again. Not sure anyone noticed, but I was so self conscious the rest of my run.

    After my first (and only) spin class, I nearly fell of the bike. I had to grab my neighbors bike to steady myself. While doing the group stretches, my legs were shaking so badly. I couldn't stand on one leg to do some of the stretches. Yeah... I don't think spin is for me.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    When I saw squat rack I thought it was something leading to a brown spot on white shorts.
    Noob mistakes should never be embarrassing. Everyone in there was a noob once. Only the jerks would make anything of it.
    My niece's husband is an E8 in the army. He is one of those soldiers who leads by example. Extremely fit. And he will bend over backwards to help out those that are new to working out. These are the kind of soldiers to seek out. They will be happy to help you out.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    What's this guy trying to do?


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    What's this guy trying to do?



    It's called crossfit, DUH.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I was really hoping for something that was actually embarrassing, like "I did a squat and split my pants" or "I was straining so hard to lift that weight that i shat myself." Or even "I was flirting and I tripped and did a faceplant." lol. What you did isn't even a little embarrassing. For future reference, most gyms will have an attendant, or even a trainer, that will be glad to spare a moment to help you learn how to use equipment. And if you are wanting to use free weights, then paying for a session with a trainer, in order to set you up with a safe routine, is probably a good idea.

    Ya, from time-to-time I have trouble adjusting equipment or have questions and the attendant is always very willing to help.

    I agree that a few sessions with a personal trainer is a great investment.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    What's this guy trying to do?


    hurt himself clearly.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    We've all been/are newbies! No big deal. At least you're trying and now you KNOW how to use it so *high five* :)
    And to make you feel better.... I flipped backwards off of an elliptical last year... That was really embarrassing. When I say flipped, I'm not exaggerating. I could barely walk for several days after that. Crap happens! I still go to that gym ;) And only one person has ever said anything to me about that day.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Ok, so I'm writing on here basically because I am so embarrassed to tell anyone I know personally.
    So I've been working out The gym again for about 6 months. 2 months ago I finally gained the courage to go into the weight side of the gym, it's a military gym so it is quite intimidating. Today I decided to use the squat rack for the 2nd time, instead of the smith machine, for my squats. I used the squat rack wrong, as the levers weren't on it and I used the deadlift portion to put the weight down and lift it back up, ultimately I could have hurt myself. A guy came up to help me set it up properly. Really nice of him. However, now I am just so embarrassed, like I don't even want to set foot in the gym again. How am I supposed to build my confidence back up ? I feel like such an idiot lol

    We all do embarrassing things in the gym, and honestly, what you did wasn't even close to half of the embarrassing crap I've done! I once (or twice...or maybe a couple times...) tried to bench without a spotter and go to my last rep and squished myself with the bar. Talk about embarrassing. I've also fallen off of the treadmill, had a panic attack on the Stair Master (I'm terrified of escalators...please don't ask me why I thought it would be a good idea), started off having no idea what I was doing on the squat rack/in the weight room in general. We all start from somewhere. Don't get discouraged. Don't be afraid to ask for help or get suggestions from the "masters" of the gym!