ianjchadwick Member


  • I think you look absolutely amazing! You shouldn't listen to anyone who says otherwise...
  • Coffee - if you drink it without anything else, it's basically 0 cal. I usually add a bit of almond/soy milk though, since that is lower cal, and it makes it taste a lot better/sweeter. I try to stay away from diet sodas and such, because I am not convinced that aspartame or sucralose aren't bad for you, but once in a wile…
  • I'm not a nutritionist, so take my advice with a grain of salt. However, in my opinion you should be careful about trying to lose too much weight too fast. At your weight,15lbs is almost 10% of your entire body weight... It might be really tough to lose that much in a little over a month and it might not be that healthy…
  • From San Francisco, but now live in Sacramento, CA!
  • Hey man, Take my advice with a grain of salt, but I felt inspired to chime in. That's great to hear that you're losing a lot of weight! I would be wary of taking any medications though... I was at 407lbs when I started and I have lost about 117 pounds over 2 years with just diet and exercise. I'm not going to lie, it's…
  • I had this problem too... I wanted to go party with friends, but I didn't want to blow my calorie budget on booze, so I looked up what the best way to get a little bit of a buzz was without too many calories. Since alcohol has it's own calorie count without any additives, sadly the lowest calorie count you can get is pure…