Truly inspiring.
Welcome Jesus. I'm a newbie here myself, but I have found a very supportive environment here and I find the logging and counting suprisingly fun. I'm amazed at how easy it was to change my diet and add some walking to my day and not only have I started to lose weight but my son has too just through my newfound enthusiasm.…
I have no sage advice, other than don't give up. You'll get there. What I can do is send you a big Hang in there, and a big hug :smiley:
Thank you all so much, it is really something to feel that support.
Thank you. Yes it is always preferable to walk a little rather than not at all. And Miss Tracy would never let me get away with nothing. :smiley:
Thank you :smiley:
A far as I can see you click the persons user name, and then you need to click the user name again in the pop up window, and then you get a page that offers you to send a friend request. :)