MarmiteToes Member


  • Oh, I am in complete agreement. As soon as my husband and I go from being 95% certain we don't want kids to 100% then he's getting a vasectomy. Birth control is a new experience for me and I hate it. I maintained a 100-pound weight loss for 13+ years but as soon as I went on the stuff I gained 40 pounds back in a year. I…
  • I'm leery about switching and trying something new since they all seem to have a scary list of side effects and many of them also involve increased appetite. I figure since I don't seem to have any other major issues from the Depo it's safer to stick with the devil I know. I do hit my macros on most days and make sure…
  • I squeeze in yoga workouts from YouTube whenever I can. Lately I've been into Boho Beautiful's routines, which seem to range from 10-25 minutes. Sometimes I'll do two of the short ones in a row. There are tons of free yoga videos on YouTube so poke around until you find one that's a…
  • I'm in the same boat since I developed plantar fasciitis. It sucks and I'm grumpy about the decreased calories I get to eat now. My usual workouts were walking, running, and at-home YouTube workouts involving a lot of jumping around. Now I'm doing pilates since it's all mat work, yoga, and strength training with dumbbells…
  • Is it possible it's loose skin? I lost 90 pounds when I was in my late teens and, no matter how thin I got, I always had some jiggle and bulge around my belly. I always wished I could have a flat belly but it's just not gonna happen without surgery. Not to discourage you but our bodies don't always bounce back and look…
  • Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! Looks like I have a little research to do but I'm glad to hear that you're all happy with your scales.
  • Aah, yes, but with the help of Amazon I can get all of my shopping done without having to come into contact with another human being! The joys of internet shopping abound. Amazon does have some in the $10 and under range but once I read the reviews I get confused as to whether it's a great item or a POS that I shouldn't…
  • I'm a workout clothes junkie so I consider myself to be an expert on this one subject! I have the same flaws you do so I scrutinize all of my pants and crops to make sure they're flattering on me, not just on the model. Old Navy has some surprisingly good ones, but I have returned a few purchases since they weren't up to…
  • I'm always starving by the time I get home from work, so my first priority is to make dinner and eat. But that's it for the day, whether or not I work out I don't eat anything else. I work out 2-3 weeknights, always after dinner (usually at least an hour later), and never have any issues. I'm usually hungry when I go to…
  • Honestly, don't stress about it. It was a vacation, not a time to stress about calories. I'm glad you lived it up while on vacation! I'm sure you'll get back on track now that you're home. I'm a little surprised you didn't maintain if you did a lot of walking, but it sounds like there are a lot of possible explanations…
  • A lot of Jillian Michaels' workouts on YouTube are 25-30 minutes. Usually 25 minutes of actual working out and five minutes of her blabbing. I love 30 Day Shred when I only have time for a quick workout at home. I alternate between level 1 and level 2 depending on how energetic I'm feeling.
  • I set the alarm 35 minutes early on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and do a quick Jillian Michaels workout in my living room before work. That way I can still "sleep in" two weekdays and force myself to do workouts in the evenings after dinner on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Weekends are my time to really get a good workout…
  • They're calling for 12+ inches here and it occurred to me that my 1200 calories/day aren't gonna be enough to fuel the snow shoveling and car clearing that will be required. I plan to eat more so I don't wind up passed out in the snow and end up like Jack Nicholson at the end of The Shining. That said, I know that stuff…
  • I second checking out Skinnytaste! I just made the chicken pot pie soup from the site and it's probably one of my favorite soups of all time. It's an adjustment to cut down to 1200-1300 calories but you can do it and still have yummy dinners.
  • There was a discussion about this last week: It's an interesting topic that goes beyond the usual issue of whether it's too easy to injure yourself following those DVDs. Not sure I agree with it, though. I'm sure like most things related to psychology, it all…
  • Good luck with your weight loss! As a fellow soon-to-be-bride (my wedding's in May) I would really recommend that you see if you can change your dress order to a size bigger. Bear in mind that the sample you tried was likely stretched out from other brides trying it on, so when your dress arrives it may be much more snug.…
  • I've tried lots of workout videos and while I'll occasionally notice if a woman in them is wearing something super skimpy like booty shorts and a bra, my typical reaction is to think, "Damn, she's got a great figure and can totally rock that outfit!" Even at my skinniest and fittest I've never looked like those women and I…
  • This is exactly why I rarely use the treadmill and when I do I cling on, as you put it, for dear life. Or at least have my hands lightly on the machine in case something happens. Please don't judge others at the gym. Odds are they have a reason…