babypunkprincess Member


  • I take it off bc i don't always have my hands on the moving arms part....also it motivates me to work out on top of my daily goal of 8000 steps a day. Keeps me more active.
  • What kind of fitbit do u have? I have a flex and take an average of 8000 steps a day and take it off when I use my elliptical. For my steps I burn around 350 on mfp, can I eat those calories back? Or is that just calories burnt from daily stuff that I shouldn't eat back?
  • In my second and third trimester I ate to maintain. I gained a lot of weight in my first cuz I ate a lot of junk. So I ate 2000-2200 a day with 30 mins of light cardio a day. I gained 40 pounds (last 10 was just from water in my last week) and was left with 6 pounds to lose 2 weeks after birth. I have since lost that and…
  • As of today I have my last 10 pounds!!
  • I am eating back half my calories. So should i still log my elliptical separate even know I still get my steps and calories burned from steps from my fitbit
  • That is just my experience and from what I researched. Either way a lot of people who are low calorie diets can't lose weight, but once the up their calories a bit they lose. I couldve misunderstood what i read but it's a fact that under eating can make u not lose weight or gain.
  • I was the same. The reason why we don't lose weight is bc we are under eating. There isn't anything left and the body holds onto what's left making no weight loss or even weight gain.
  • My calories are set for 1500 to lose. I have a fitbit flex that's synced up. I burn around 300 a day with 8000 steps which is normal for me. I eat back half those calories and still lose. I have mfp set up for not active so I can eat back those calories. If u have it set up for active then don't.
  • Your under eating. Google it. I was doing the same thing them I increased it to 1500 and feel great. 2 weeks after I had my baby in went on 1200 calories (not breast feeding) and lost some weight then it stalled. Once I increased it to 1500 I had more energy and wasn't hungry. I try to for daily walks but if I don't I go…
  • Sweet. I didn't know about that! Worked perfect, thanks
  • I have a flex and for just tracking steps I like it. It syncs up with mfp and tells me how many calories I burn from my steps them when I go for a walk it tracks my calories there too. It's a great starter Fitbit and be im loving it so much I will upgrade soon.
  • Exactly this. Maybe try to have a full binge/cheat day once a week? I had one yesterday and loved it. Giant bowl of cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast, 3/4 box of mac and cheese and an entire store bought thin crust Multigrain pizza (smaller pizzas then say delissio) and as much as I loved it, I feel sick today and don't…
  • Are you exercising? If so 1300 would not be enough. I was eating between 1200-1400 and was burning to much and my body had nothing to fuel it. I gained weight. Now I eat 1500 on lazy days and other days I work out I eat back half my burned calories. Try upping calories a little. And also research "under eating"
  • I have a fitbit flex. For about 2 weeks now and love it! I love having my steps synced up. Eventually I'm going to upgrade but for now for daily life the flex is great!
  • Mfp is set up to not include exercise. So as u walk it calculates how many calories u burn and adds that to how many calories are left to eat. I am on a 1500 calorie diet and with my fitbit steps I'll burn 300-500 a day, I'll eat back only half tho because I don't weigh my food I just pretty much estimate and don't want to…
  • Ah good to know. I don't concentrate on my macros. Just calories and making smarter choices and it normally pans out with the rest of my nutrition
  • Nope. Formula feeding
  • My baby is 6 weeks old. Had a natural birth with just morphine. I was back to pre pregnancy weight within 2 weeks. I'm not bf so went on a 1200 calorie diet to Kickstart weight loss about a week after birth. At 2 weeks pp I started walking and at 4 weeks i started working out. My body is stronger now than it was from…
  • I have a flex and I use my fitbit for my exercise. I pretty much walk a lot then twice a week do some short strength training which I don't worry about tracking. My I use mfp for food and it syncs with fitbit
  • Honestly I have found when I was eating 1200 calories in was craving sooooooo much junk. I have a 6 week old and I'm up all day attending to him. I do workout tho but looking after a 3 yo will keep u extremely busy! So I upped my calories to 1500-1700 and feel amazing and am still losing weight. I researched "under eating"…
  • I measured my food for a week or so then when I knew how much put in a bowl of cereal or pb on my toast I just eye balled it. I eat out once or twice a week and sometimes eat whatever i want as a cheat day or get something healthier and always get a garden salad and veggies with it rather than fries or something. I also…
  • I have a cheap sport line from walmart (no chest strap) I was wondering how accurate it was but it seems pretty accurate. On a brisk wall I burn around 100 calories in 10 mins. My calorie burn was roughly 300 for a 30 min walk give or take depending on where I go. Since I had a baby and push a stroller now I burn an extra…
  • That would make it hard if ur baby wakes to any sound. Can u workout in a different part of the house? Or can u wear your baby while u workout? I've worn my baby a couple times while on my elliptical. If u want to walk outside then go out early mornings or after supper when it's cooler
  • U can't spot reduce however I would still work out. I just had a baby 5 1/2 weeks ago and I worked out a little. I didn't do too much because I didn't work out before. But when I was working out I felt like my arms legs and butt toned. But more importantly I felt great...and a few weeks after I was back down to my pre…
  • I'm 28 and in my early 20 's i was obsessed with diet pills, i was anorexic and all that fun stuff. Now losing weight the healthy way is much better and diet pills are just *kitten*
  • That's exciting!! Good luck! And congrats on your baby!
  • Can my excuse for not understanding be that I only got 2 hours of sleep last night? New mom and all lol:p
  • Some people hate running. .. such as me. So OP do whatever kind of fitness u want. if u find ur having trouble or taking longer to recover then yes ur pushing yourself too hard. I'm horrible for that and it'll take me 2 days to recover :neutral:
  • So a HRM would be better to estimate calories burned during a walk?