amdcp61 Member


  • When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.
  • I'm not sure what your question is. What are you trying to do - gain or lose weight, bring your cholesterol numbers down, control your blood sugar? How will you know whether you have achieved your goal? I don't know a lot about high cholesterol, but I am a Type 2 diabetic, so... Three years ago, the doctor told you that…
  • Stop weighing yourself daily. Your weight can fluctuate plenty based on how much you ate and drank today and when the last time was that you used the bathroom. If you're getting closer to your goal, it's not unusual for your rate of weight loss to slow down, making the daily ups and downs more noticeable.
  • Actually, it is. Consuming only 1000 calories per day over an extended period, plus all the exercise getting logged, can make resting metabolism slow down because her body thinks it's starving. Every available calorie will be efficiently stored - as fat. Additionally, it will start burning all that nice lean muscle she's…