1skholloway Member


  • I tried also but I'm a U.S. resident.
  • I try to find something similar in the MFP food list to add in place of food that isn't list or I just guess the calories. I get uneasy when I have to do this but I am getting better at it. I don't eat out much. When possible, I try to choose restaurants that have the nutritional information available. I have problems when…
  • Oh I think you can do it easily. At your old job you walked a lot and fast. You can do it again.
    in May 2017 Comment by 1skholloway May 2017
  • With what you have been through lately, it's okay. I think most people would gain weight. I don't think a 4 pound gain is bad. I bet you get that off quickly.
    in May 2017 Comment by 1skholloway May 2017
  • I bet you are having to make lots of tough decisions like that. If you don't want it, let it go. If your mom really wants it, she will find a spot for it.
    in May 2017 Comment by 1skholloway May 2017
  • It sounds like you are doing well to be able to already clean out the apartment. I'm sorry the things you wanted aren't there. You have your memories of her and those beat out any things you could get. Your story should be a lesson to me to clean out so someone else doesn't have to do it later. Still praying for you and…
    in May 2017 Comment by 1skholloway May 2017
  • I'm so sorry for your loss @2020pinktogo. You and your family are in my prayers.
    in May 2017 Comment by 1skholloway May 2017
  • Yeah, it is. I'm supposed to be maintaining my weight though. I'm not saddened by the loss and my clothes still fit. I don't know if removing the artificial sweeteners did it but I can't figure out what else would have. I had a weight gain today of about 1.4 pounds but that's probably water retention or such. I ate at…
    in May 2017 Comment by 1skholloway May 2017
  • That sounds great! Knowing me I would waste the time off. I do better with a schedule as much as I don't like following one. I'm probably not disciplined enough to set a schedule for days off. So, I'm totally off artificial sweeteners and I think it has caused my metabolism to really increase. I use only liquid stevia and…
    in May 2017 Comment by 1skholloway May 2017
  • Welcome to each of you! The last few pounds can be the hardest but it sounds like you each have good plans. In this group you will have good support.
  • @NewOR2015 I remember that type of vending machine. I don't recall using it much though. I remember the type in which glass soda bottles lay on the side and were pulled out by the top. I always had trouble getting the bottle out for some reason or other. @2020pinktogo I don't much remember cigarette vending machines. I'm…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! It's a great start. A big loss is always encouraging. You can get comfortable footwear that is fashionable. A friend who is a teacher wears fit flops. She gets them at TJ Maxx for a better price than they are sold elsewhere. She says they are very comfortable and the teachers at her…
  • Oh you poor thing! I wouldn't be surprised if your feet and legs still hurt today.
  • Dad had a cardiologist appt. today. I called to see how it went. Mom said "Well, Dad got bad news." My heart fell and I started imagining what it was. She then said "Dr. Causey is moving out of town." Really!!!! I swear they are trying to drive me to an early grave!
  • I have the ballet flats, flat black sandals, sneakers, tall boots, nude pumps, and ankle boots. I'm just missing the black sandals with heels. I sent the article to a friend who loves shoes and her response was "if only it were that simple" and I agree. Our weather turned cool today. It's nice but unexpected. I suppose…
  • Here's the link to the shoe article - https://www.realsimple.com/beauty-fashion/shoes-accessories/shoes/best-shoes-for-women/view-all I'm glad your grandma will at least wear the pants while in rehab. When my brother was in the hospital right after his brain injury he said he wanted brown boxers. I couldn't find any. He…
  • @NewOR2015 good for you for trying something new! I have read that WW is one of the most successful weight loss plans around. I am like @2020pinktogo and too cheap to join it when i needed it. I have heard it's been improved so much. @NewOR2015 at times I wish my wardrobe was simpler. Having lost weight, I have had to…
  • You can do it! We are here to support you.
  • I understand the relief of not having a relative with you. Mom always wants the whole family together when she can get us which is often. Our little annual trip she wants to take my brother with a brain injury even if his wife doesn't go. He has become too much work. He doesn't remember the trip and could not care less of…
  • I understand your hesitancy about the Jergens. I am now using it often. I ordered 2 more tubes of it off Amazon. I guess I'm a shoe junky too. My shoes are usually black or brown (except for athletic shoes) and I'm usually about comfort. I'm loving the nude shoe that you can wear with anything. I just need some that have…
  • Oh I can relate. I got used to wearing boots everyday. It was a hard transition to not wearing them. I miss them. I wish I could still wear them. One coworker does and my office is cold enough but it's 80 degrees outside so I feel it's time to transition to something different. I don't have any shooties. My ankle boots are…
  • Thanks! He is a god fit for me. I wish I could afford private sessions and karate lessons. Oh well! I am thankful for what I do have.
  • I have a love/hate relationship with the trainer at my gym. Yesterday the office was closed and the trainer had me at the gym at 8 a.m. to train with him. Really!!!!! As it turned out, no one else showed up for the class, so I got one on one training and we actually did something totally different than planned. It was…
  • I'm at maintenance and working on toning. You are welcome to add me.
  • @2020pinktogo well it sounds like the branch needs to be reworked. Maybe your crying will help to bring that about the needed change.
  • @2020pinktogo oh I'm so sorry. On the other hand, it may have been what needed to happen if that's what allows you to return to main office.
  • @2020pinktogo lol! I'm glad your day got better! I think you made a good choice to exercise to improve your move naturally instead of relying solely on diet coke. I enjoy a walk at lunch sometimes. I have a very pretty place to walk. It can be a great stress reducer. I took today as a vacation day and I have tomorrow off!…
  • Thank you!
  • I want to start lifting more weights so I can build muscle tone. I am finding maintenance to be harder than I expected. It's difficult for me to shift my mind from from weight loss mode to maintenance mode. I have been trying to maintain for a month or more but I have actually lost a couple of pounds over the last couple…
  • Hi, I just joined the group. I am at maintenance and need to tone up. I walk or do cardio exercises about twice times a week and try to lift weights once a week on my own. I work out with a trainer at the gym twice a week - cardio - and an ab class that uses body weights, machine weights and free weights. I have lost 110…