I don't really want anyone in my life to know that I have a "binge" disorder. And it's too expensive to pay for a physician or dietician Sometimes talking it out with someone helps so I try to find some people online that I can talk to
I was thinking of cutting the banana into thirds and wrapping it in a paper towel or something. Jelly beans could work, I guess like any candies like swedish fish, tootsie rolls, etc. Gatorade for some reason I don't really want to spend money on it, I guess because I feel like it's just sugar or I could add some sea salt…
I don't use gels, because you have to buy them and I just run for fun / weight loss and not really for athletic or "serious" reasons and go with whatever I can get from a grocery store that's not too expensive. Basically I just need a way to get some sugar in my system, even if it's tootsie rolls or some candy. Why is coke…
I am not that fit :( The most I've done is half marathon, at 13 miles and for that there were regular stations throughout that I definitely needed or I wouldn't have been able to continue, and I had taken tootsie rolls with me and there were gatorade stations. I eat before, but I feel tired and faint if I don't eat after…
Is it important to have potassium for a refuel?
This is a bit difficult to prepare and carry for me, do you put the dates in a bag and take them out and eat them as you are running?
Well, it takes me about an hour to run 5 miles, and today after 90 minutes of running I was tired, and later in the night I was lightheaded, and felt some fatigue, after I ate something I felt a little better but I think it was because I ran out of energy during my run. For me it's around the 1 hour mark.
I made a list of calories, carbs, and calories per carb (the lower calories it comes with for each carb is better) I think the best one considering nutrition, convenience, cost is probably raisins. If you don't care about nutrition then probably coke or swedish fish. Calories Carbs Cal/Carb Coke 95 26 3.65 Raisins –…
maybe but breakfast bars are expensive :( i just want something cheap maybe raisins will work, they are not too soft but they are convenient to carry in a box, cheap and I can slow down a few seconds to eat them they have potassium too I think I am going to buy a pack of raisins !
Thanks for everyone's responses, I've read through them, if I didn't respond to something specific I probably still read it and am keeping it mind and I appreciate everyone's thoughts!
Thanks for your response. I could probably increase my muscle mass. I've never had any muscle mass in the past, even at the lower weight, maybe I lost a little bit but I never had that much before to lose anyways I've never been muscular before so I don't know how I would even look if I were more muscularly toned. I don't…
A nutritionist, dietician, trainer, are expensive :( Since I have a free work dining hall, I have been spending less than $50/month on food (I would mostly just a large lunch there, then something small for breakfast and dinner, and the only thing I really paid for was blueberries, and the gas to get there as it's a 20…
One thing is I don't have a lot of time to prepare food, and I don't cook. I have a free dining hall at work but I've done most of my binges there and I tend to overeat there. I noticed that when I eat there I eat until I feel full, but when I am not there I eat until I am not hungry anymore. I bought a pack of 8 slimfast…
And by the way I am not ignoring the good advice, it's just that part of this is a mental internal struggle for me and I can't help but think a certain way. Or sometimes I just wonder about something and can't stop thinking it until it gets out of my mind for good. I think it's just something I need to work on myself. This…
Thanks so much for your response, I am not offended at all and I am trying to incorporate what you wrote into my eating habits. I think for me it's a mental battle, like I know you are right but internally it's hard for me to break out of my old thinking, but I will try to do it gradually. I will try to eat more and not…
Is it better for weight loss to eat more and workout more? (e.g., eat 1600 calories a day, run 5 miles) Or eat less and work out less (eat 1200 calories, dont work out) If my base metabolic rate is about 1200 (maybe 1250), how much can I expect to lose in a week?
People who are average or large frames go on 1200 calories/day to lose weight (e.g., that is how many calories slimfast is) and it is considered safe right? So for a smaller person wouldn't it be safe to go even less than that? Anyways to give you an idea of what 108 pounds on my frame looks like: Current weight: 108 (a…
Well most of my life I was in the 90 range and everything was normal. Middle school high school etc. I might have even been at 88 and did not lose my period, also I looked normal and no one said I was "too skinny" or anything that's why I thought it was my natural weight. I don't have much muscle and the 20 pounds shows up…
Thanks for all the responses I will try to lose weight more slowly maybe around a pound a week or less. If my base metabolic rate is 1200 and I eat 1700 calories a day without excercising won't I gain weight? Why is slim fast so bad if I use it to help me keep my total calories to about 1200 a day? I was going to do slim…
I was wondering, what is the lowest # of calories that I can eat/day that isn't unhealthy? If I do 1000 calories/day is it too little? Is 800 too little? For me 1200-1400 worked before but I wonder if I can eat less by cutting out more empty calories (on the 1200/day I would eat cookies, coke, etc. still and everything was…
I've been fine since early 2004 on 1200-1400 calories or so. Yeah that kind of sounds like me. Ive had like at least 5 days where I was eating 3500-4000 calories, and I just ate until I was overstuffed thinking that my body was telling me I need to eat and something is not right, although when it still kept happening for a…
I guess I could possibly be recovering from a "eating disorder" because of the fasting and restricting too much. I just want things to go back to normal, the "massive" 2x a day binges have stopped where I was eating up to 3500 calories a day. Now I can control it to keep it to under 1800 or so, but I just want it to be…
I saw some videos on youtube about "intuitive eating" where your body will let you know when to stop eating, but I guess it doesn't always work the way it's supposed to. How do I know if it's real hunger or not? It really felt like I was hungry and I can't distinguish it from "fake" hunger.
Height: 5'1 (very small frame, asian) "Natural weight" is about 90 (at 95 I have noticeable belly fat still) I am around 110 pounds now (although with food and probably extra water weight, bloating, about 115 or so) Goal: Lose the stomach fat, under 100 I try to jog 5 miles like 3-5 times a week Non-exercise activity…
Well I don't need to feel full but I felt hungry and I hate that feeling. Is it supposed to be like that? I was trying to let my natural body system guide me to eat until j was full if I am eating healthy and I Feel like I am doing something wrong
I had 2 cups of water. I diluted some of the rice in water too to eat it like a soup and with the oatmeal I had added some water. Usually on weekdays I can do a smaller calories like yesterday I had a banana and a third cup of Coke then ran 5 miles then go to work (although we went out to eat for lunch and I ended up…